Sustainable Engineering applied into the PET plastic supply chain. A policy tool for industry and government. Dr. Omar Romero
Background: PET
PET Market distribution Soft drinks 52.8 % Bottled water 15 %
Simulation Model
Demand Forecast for PET
Results after 1,000 simulations: Demand Forecast for PET
Waste collection forecast YEAR
Rate of waste collection YEAR
ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE System Analysis: CHINA STATES UNITED Electricity MEXICO Recycler 1 Recycler 2 Recycler 3 Other Recyclers national Port Manzanillo and Nuevo Laredo EXPORTS Centers Transfering Landfill Collection Center Blow Forming Bottle Filling HDPE COSTUMER PP Electricity MEXICO PET grad e bottl e
Results LCA
Results LCA (Waste Scenario)
Results LCA (Waste Scenario)
Results LCA (Waste Scenario) )
Results LCA (Waste Scenario)
Alternative for improving PET plastic recycling rates: Deposit-refund schemes have been successfully incorporated in developed countries. Should México follow the same sustainable solution?
Waste collection facilities in Mexico PET However, two problems have to be addressed before PET waste is re-processed...
Problem 1: International Price fo Recycled PET
Problem 2: Landfill scenario The fact that a sustainable solution (such as deposit- refund) performs well in a developed country does not necessary mean that it will also succed when applied in a developing country.
Current status and future trends: Price guarantee for each kg of PET collected Co-responsibility between Society-Industry- Government School recycling contest Media campaign Industry initiatives should go beyong current legislation