2014 NCAA Convention Voting Review/New Bylaws January 2014 WSC Rules Presentation 1 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance
2014 NCAA CONVENTION VOTING REVIEW/NEW BYLAWS January 2014 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 2 Rejected Proposals
REJECTED PROPOSALS Prop : Women’s rugby Would have allowed “sevens” in addition to current “fifteens” contests Also would have limited the number of matches against club teams that can count in the minimum number of competition benchmark to two As it is, current legislation still applies to women’s rugby Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 3
REJECTED PROPOSALS Prop : PTD Changes Would have changed the requirements to meet PTD to 27 credit hours per year in each of the first two years of college (or 54 total prior to third year of college), and then 24 PTD credit hours each year beyond that Proposal would have effective eliminated the averaging method in third year of college and beyond SAAC opposed this proposal Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 4
REJECTED PROPOSALS Prop : Exempting Academic Awards Technically was not defeated; removed from voting and sent back to Management Council for further consideration Would have allowed for many more academic awards to be exempted from student-athlete and team equivalency limits Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 5
2014 NCAA CONVENTION VOTING REVIEW/NEW BYLAWS January 2014 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 6 Approved Proposals – Immediate Effective Date
APPROVED PROPOSALS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Prop : Contact With Recruits After They Have Signed An NLI Coaches may now have contact with a PSA at any site on the day or days of competition, as long as they have signed an NLI Previously, needed to wait until PSA was released from team following competition If PSA has not signed an NLI, the current recruiting rules still apply Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 7
APPROVED PROPOSALS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Prop : Advertisements In High School Programs Permits institutions to place non-athletically related advertisements in high school and/or two- year college publications – including in game programs College athletic departments are still prohibited from doing this Example: WSC Admissions could place an ad in WHS basketball game programs, but WSC Athletics cannot Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 8
2014 NCAA CONVENTION VOTING REVIEW/NEW BYLAWS January 2014 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 9 All Other Approved Proposals
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Catastrophic Sport Injury Reporting Institutions will be required to submit data to the NCAA on an annual basis on various catastrophic injuries Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 10
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Timing Of Tryouts For High School PSA’s Tryouts for PSA’s will now be permitted to begin on June 15 th prior to the PSA’s junior year of high school Tryout cannot occur during the PSA’s high school season, but any other time New date aligns with all other recruiting regulations (unlimited texting, phone calls, etc.) Effective June 15, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 11
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Freshman Eligibility Specifies certain requirements that AP credits must meet in order to be used to determine initial eligibility Also states that international student-athletes can use AP credits as well, as long as it is approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 12
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Expenses For Non-institutional Awards Allows various entities to pay for SA’s to attend and receive specified awards/recognition Effective August 1, 2014 Prop : Expenses For All-Star Contest Allows institutions to pay for SA’s travel to various specified all-star contests, as long as they have exhausted eligibility in the sport Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 13
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Non-athletically Related Promotional Activities SA’s can no take part in non-athletically related modeling or promotional activities, as long as they are not identified as a college athlete, nor selected for the activity for that reason Besides modeling, could extend to music, writing, a SA’s own business, etc. Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 14
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Division II Membership Process Alters the timeline of the membership process for new D-II applicant institutions Makes new D-II schools get fully compliant with NCAA requirements sooner Effective August 1, 2014, for schools applying to be part of D-II on February 1, 2015 and after Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 15
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Selection Criteria For Postseason Five universal criteria across all sports Overall D-II in-region winning percentage Overall D-II winning percentage Overall D-II strength of schedule D-II head-to-head Results vs. D-II common opponents Each sport may add up to three additional criteria, which must last for at least three years Effective August 1, 2015 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 16
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Basketball Exempted Event Allows both men’s and women’s basketball to exempt a maximum of two conference challenge games each year from the maximum game limit of 26 (i.e., can be at least 28) Game must occur in a period beginning on the first permissible date of competition through that Sunday Two or more conferences/institutions from the same region can organize these events SAAC Supported Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 17
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Football Summer Workouts For the sport of football only, summer workouts may now by conducted by a strength & conditioning coach, not just monitored S&C coach must work with the institution’s teams during the year and be certified through a national program All other sports are limited to current rules (i.e., monitored only) Effective June 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 18
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Women’s Triathlon Adds women’s triathlon to the emerging sport category, along with all of the various bylaws accompanying that move Effective August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 19
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Freshman Academic Requirements Moves to a sliding scale for initial eligibility (i.e., the better your Core Course GPA, the worse your ACT sum score can be) Preserves the concept of Partial Qualifiers Core Course requirements unchanged Effective August 1, 2018 (i.e., this year’s eighth- graders) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 20
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : PTD Term & GPA Requirements Six credit rule now increases to needing to pass nine PTD credits to be eligible to compete the subsequent term Incoming transfers will need to bring in nine transferrable hours in their previous term Still allows institutions to set own definitions of Good Academic Standing, which is required for competition SA’s must earn at least 18 PTD credit hours during the fall and spring semesters combined Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 21
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop Continued GPA requirement will now be 2.00 throughout a SA’s entire academic career Effective: August 1, 2016 for all student-athletes Translation: will be the last year of current PTD rules SA’s will essentially need to meet these new PTD rules during the school year in order to be cleared for competition beginning in the school year Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 22
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : PTD 24-Hour Requirement Essentially eliminates the averaging method of PTD for all SA’s following their first two years of college All SA’s must pass at least 24 PTD credit hours each school year to be cleared to compete the following year At the end of a SA’s second year of college, if they have 48 total credit hours, they can still meet this requirement (i.e., 26 credits in Year credits in Year 2 = okay) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 23
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop continued PTD credit hour rules remain the same In first four semesters, any credits count In fifth semester and beyond, only credits in gen eds, major and required minor classes can count Can still use summer school to meet PTD requirements Paired with Prop 16, will almost always limit maximum number of summer credits that can be used for PTD to six each year Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 24
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop continued Closest vote of the entire convention (passed ) SAAC did support this proposal Effective: August 1, 2016 for all student-athletes Translation: will be the last year of current PTD rules SA’s will essentially need to meet these new PTD rules during the school year in order to be cleared for competition beginning in the school year Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 25
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Two-year transfers If two-year transfers have their AA degree, they basically will be eligible to compete immediately Pretty much any other transfer now needs: Attended two-year school for at least two semesters Present a GPA of at least 2.20 for credits that typically would transfer in Pass at least an average of at least 12 transferrable credit hours per full-time semesters used at the two year school Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 26
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop continued Two-year transfer requirements continued Still required to have at least six transferrable English and three transferrable Math credits Also required to have three transferrable Science credits Maximum of two Physical Education credits can be used, unless the SA is a PE Major If the transfer was a qualifier or does not have a 2.20 GPA, but does have at least a 2.00, they can practice but not compete (i.e., effectively a partial qualifier) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 27
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop continued Effective: August 1, 2016 for all transfer SA’s initially enrolling at a D-II institution in the Fall of 2016 Translation: This year’s high school seniors could potentially fall underneath this requirement Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 28
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Official & Unofficial Visits Official Visit changes Can no longer pay for any portion of a recruit’s OV if the PSA also takes part in a camp/clinic while on the trip Can no longer give complimentary tickets to conference tournament events Can provide the actual cost of all meals on an OV (i.e., not limited to just three meals per day) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 29
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Official & Unofficial Visits Unofficial Visit changes Meals can take place on or off-campus (although recruiting calendar rules still take precedence) Special parking arrangements can now be made Tickets for a PSA cannot be provided to a conference tournament event Effective: June 15, 2014 for both official and unofficial visit changes Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 30
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Official Visit Timing May now occur beginning on June 15 prior to the PSA’s junior year of high school (matching up with all other recruiting activities) PSA’s still limited to one OV their entire high school career (can’t do one junior year to school, and then another one in senior year) Now a transcript is required before an OV instead of a test score Effective: June 15, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 31
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Drug Testing All NCAA Drug Testing will now include testing for “street drugs” If a SA tests positive for anything other than street drugs, current penalty structure remains in effect If SA test positive for street drugs, then penalty structure is as follows: First test: 50% loss of season Second test: Loss of one year of competition Third test: Permanent loss of eligibility Effective: August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 32
ALL OTHER APPROVED PROPOSALS Prop : Team Physicial All D-II institutions will be required to have a team physician (MD or DO) designated for each of its varsity programs The same physician serve as the team physician for all of a department’s programs Effective: August 1, 2014 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 33