Why I Am Adding Brian Stelter’s “What I Learned in Joplin” to My Course Reading? 29 Sep, 2011 Yilin Zhang, Myunggoon Choi
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 29 Sep, 2011 Yilin Zhang, Myunggoon Choi
The Blog of Mark Berkey-Gerard, What I Learned in Joplin.What I Learned in Joplin
The Blog of Mark Berkey-GerardMark Berkey-Gerard
The Blog of Mark Berkey-Gerard, What I Learned in Joplin.What I Learned in Joplin
The Blog of Mark Berkey-Gerard, What I Learned in Joplin.What I Learned in Joplin
Brian Stelter’s Homepage
The Blog of Mark Berkey-Gerard, What I Learned in Joplin.What I Learned in Joplin
Google Map - Joplin Joplin
Tornado in Joplin
Brian Stelter’s Twitter
Braian’s InstagramBraian’s Instagram
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 1. It’s About Reporting 2. Old Advice for New Media Reporting 3. Using Social Media as a Reporting Tool 4. Revisiting Tweets to Create a Stronger Story
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 1. It’s About Reporting
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 2.Old Advice for New Media Reporting
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 3.Using Social Media as a Reporting Tool
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media Ex01. Brain Stelter’s tweet I parked a block from the south side of the hospital and approached on foot, taking as many pictures as possible, knowing I’d need them later to remember what I was seeing. 11
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media I started trying to tweet everything I saw — the search of the rubble pile, the sounds coming from the hospital, the dazed look on peoples’ faces. Some of the texts didn’t send, but most did. Practically speaking, text messages were my only way to relay information. 22 Ex02. Brain Stelter’s tweet
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 4. Revisiting Tweets to Create a Stronger Story
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media I believe it’s true that ‘my best reporting was on Twitter,’ but only up until a certain point on Monday, probably around 11 p.m. local time. After that point, with a more stable Internet connection, I was able to file complete stories for NYTimes.com, not just chunks of copy. * The limits of storytelling of social media
New York Times
The Conditions of Journalism using Social Media 1. It’s About Reporting 2. Old Advice for New Media Reporting 3. Using Social Media as a Reporting Tool 4. Revisiting Tweets to Create a Stronger Story
Q & A
Thank you Yilin Zhang, Myunggoon Choi