NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY In-country Preparatory Meeting 04 th June 2015, NICTA HQ WRC-15 Issues WRC 15: PNG Preparatory Update
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY What is a CPM Report? provides best information on all studies (technical & operational) undertaken and regulatory/procedural issues relevant to the WRC Agenda available at the time of its preparation captures input contributions the membership of the ITU, the Recommendation Study Groups and the Special Committee Purpose of CPM Report to assist the ITU Member States and the Radiocommunication Sector Members who will be involved in preparation for the WRC provide a good background for the basis for the discussions decision making at the Conference
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Organization of the ITU-R preparation for the conference CPM-1 organized the preparatory studies for WRC-15.and identified studies in preparation for the following WRC CPM-2 Review and update study reports and contributions. Finalise the report
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Presentation and structure of the Report The Report is structured to follow the topics of the WRC-15 agenda, taking into account the outline developed and approved by the first session of CPM-15.
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Presentation and structure of the Report The Report comprises several Chapters or sub-chapters, defined in accordance with the adopted structure. Each Agenda is placed under a certain Chapter/sub-Chapter
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Chapter Structure An Agenda Item within a Chapter comprises six (6) sections (parts), which are consistent for all Agenda Items. Section 1 – Executive Summary Section 2 - Background Section 3 - Summary of technical and operational studies, including a list of relevant ITU-R Recommendations Section 4 - Analysis of the results of studies Section 5 - Method(s) to satisfy the agenda item Section 6 - Regulatory and procedural considerations
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Example of Cross-reference For the purpose of quick location and reference the numbering system in each is Chapter is standardised.
NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY Method(s) to satisfy the agenda item The following methods are considered to satisfy this agenda item and may be applied to potential candidate frequency bands. These are: Method A – No change, which may be accompanied by reasons. Method B – Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis (either by a new allocation or the upgrade of an existing secondary allocation) with a view to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile broadband applications. Method B-ToA - Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis in the Table of Frequency Allocations. Method B-FN - Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis in a footnote. Method C - To identify the frequency band for IMT either in a new or existing footnote. This Method can be applied individually if there is already a primary mobile allocation or in conjunction with Method B.