MONDAY – Completion of On Line Match Card – Failure £10.00 MONDAY – Have I acknowledged to my Away opponents, Match Referee, and Fixture Secretary details of forthcoming games - Failure £10.00
MATCH DAY – SUNDAY 1.Correct Kit – Check Website to make sure no kit clash. If kit clash you can be fined for delaying kick off – Failure £20 2.Playing with a short team - Failure £10 per player below Make sure your team sheet is with Match Official 30 minutes before kick off - Failure £15 4. Meet and greet match official. Show him or her to dressing room. Provide refreshments - Failure £10 Friday – A courtesy phone call to the Match Official confirming his or her availability for Sunday’s Game
7. At least one of you must be first aider and carry a complete first aid bag. Failure £10 5. Make sure you and your team have your I.D. Badges VISIBLE. – Failure £10 for each not shown 6. Ensure one side of pitch is roped off and technical area marked out - Failure £25
10. Remember to ring match result to Bill Kelly if you are competing in a County Cup home or away - Failure £10 8. Ensure that Club Linesman is NOT a sub or young person (unless qualified). Failure £25 9. Remember to ring match result in to Bill Kelly - Failure £10.00
11. Remember to mark match official on result card – Committee decision 13. Failure to kick off on time - £10 fine 14. Failure to kick off with Molten football - £10 fine 12. Any mark below 50 – Report to Peter Grace
15. Ensure you take home for your wife/partner a bottle of wine or flowers OR NO Sunday dinner, NO conversation, NO Sky Sports!!
Playing an unregistered or ineligible player - Points deduction and or fine LMC decision Failing to fulfil a fixture - Up to £250 fine. General Other Areas for consideration Withdrawal after AGM - £ Fine Withdrawal after 31 st March - up to £200 Fine PAGE 33 AND 34 OF THE LEAGUE HANDBOOK – will highlight.