All Year Groups Locker Keys A number of pupils did not return their locker keys before the end of term. You must return them as a matter of URGENCY! No lockers will be issued until all keys have been returned.
New S5/6 Captaincy Corner Vending Machine Problem We have spoken to Alan in the lunch hall about the vending machines not giving change and the prices. He is looking into it for us. S1 Invading the Pond Area!! We have added a note in the bulletin to let the S1 know that they need to use the fuel zone rather than the pond area vending machine. School Ties Senior School ties are available from the office for £5. Prefects will be issued with their Gold Prefect ties next Thursday at the Induction Day. In the meantime, everyone should still have a tie on even if this means wearing your tie from last year!
New S4 Captaincy Crew! Hi guys! We are Sean and Zahrah and we just wanted to introduce ourselves because we are your School Captains You might also see Ami and Rebecca our Vice Captains helping out at lots of different events and Nathan leading his team of prefects so come and say hi to us. We are the guys with gold ties! We also have Connor who is the Sports Captain and his Vice Captains Emma and Sharon. They run a very successful Sports and Health Council in the school. Look out for information in the bulletin if you are interested in joining them.
New S3 Captaincy Crew! Hi guys! We are Sean and Zahrah and we just wanted to introduce ourselves because we are your School Captains You might also see Ami and Rebecca our Vice Captains helping out at lots of different events and Nathan leading his team of prefects so come and say hi to us. We are the guys with gold ties! We also have Connor who is the Sports Captain and his Vice Captains Emma and Sharon. They run a very successful Sports and Health Council in the school. Look out for information in the bulletin if you are interested in joining them.
New S2 Captaincy Crew! Hi guys! We are Sean and Zahrah and we just wanted to introduce ourselves because we are your School Captains You might also see Ami and Rebecca our Vice Captains helping out at lots of different events and Nathan leading his team of prefects so come and say hi to us. We are the guys with gold ties! We also have Connor who is the Sports Captain and his Vice Captains Emma and Sharon. They run a very successful Sports and Health Council in the school. Look out for information in the bulletin if you are interested in joining them.
New S1 Hi guys! We are Sean and Zahrah and we just wanted to introduce ourselves because we are your School Captains You might also see Ami and Rebecca our Vice Captains helping out at lots of different events and Nathan leading his team of prefects so come and say hi to us. We are the guys with gold ties! One quick note before we go… lots of S1’s have come into our Senior Pond Social Area to use the vending machine and we just wanted to remind you that unfortunately this one is only for Seniors but the good news is that you also have a vending machine down in the fuel zone that you can use! We hope you have enjoyed your 1 st week at Bella! See you soon