Managing In Tough Times “Bits & Tips” Youth: Fast Food Costs
Fast-Paced Society Age of “Soccer Moms”; it can be too easy to make a habit of grabbing food to go. Children are watching the choices their parents make.
Financial Tidbits: Fast Food Restaurants An average meal at a fast food restaurant costs around $6. Try limiting the drive- thru to no more than once a week to save money and calories!
Financial Tidbits: Coffee Shops Students like to study at coffee shops. Instead of spending $4 on specialty coffees, suggest creating a study group at a local library or at home.
Financial Tidbits: Concession Stands Buying food at concession stands can be unhealthy and pricey. Encourage your child to save the cash and keep healthy snacks in his or her backpack.
Financial Tidbits: Vending Machines Vending machines at schools may seem to be an easy afterschool snack with students. Instead, pack a snack and save $$$!
Financial Tidbits: Value-size Meals Value-sizing a combo adds unneeded calories and fat and can add $1 to $3 per meal.