TIDE Final Conference Cluster 5 Workshop The BKK case study: better PT governance 15 th September :30 – 15:30 László Sándor Kerényi, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport András László Kőrizs, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport
BKK’s activities in TIDE T RANSPORT MANAGEMENT BODIES Creation of public transport management bodies for metropolitan areas (Measure 1) M ARKETING RESEARCH Marketing research as optimization tool in public transport (Measure 3) Cluster 5 – Public Transport Organization
Measure 1 – Transport Management Bodies Transparent PSO structure, based on partnership
Measure 1 – Transport Management Bodies More integrated, less complex organizational structure in Budapest (2010)
Measure 1 – Transport Management Bodies As stated by law, the Municipality of the City of Budapest is responsible for: Transport strategy and development Organizing public transport (Budapest & metropolitan area) As mobility manager of Budapest, BKK duties are: Coordinated transport development Efficient operation Proactive passenger information Strong focus on better cooperation of transport modes sustainable transport demand management social needs and overall economic costs protection of the environment Integrated approach covering all urban transport modes
Measure 1 – Transport Management Bodies The first SUMP-based mobility strategy (Balázs Mór Plan) was born!
Measure 3 – Marketing Research We need information for planning, operation and evaluation
Measure 3 – Marketing Research Internal market research for better services: Vehicle fleet navigation system (FUTÁR) uses GPS based real time location information New ticket vending machines provide important information about ticket sales (AFC ongoing!) External market research on mobility needs: Customer satisfaction surveys related to BKK services Balázs Mór Plan went through a wide-range public consultation, providing information Modeling using large amount of data gathered from various platforms (FUTÁR, GTFS, Transmodel) Market research for better PT – the basis of multimodality is information
Measure 3 – Marketing Research FUTÁR (integrated GPS based vehicle tracking system) provides: real-time information about 2295 vehicles passenger information via various communication channels Communication channels include: BKK INFO app: real time travel information BKK FUTÁR app: real time journey planner ( downloads) BKK Facebook: direct communication to passengers ( followers, 60 posts per month, visits/day) Example 1 – FUTÁR System (internal)
Measure 3 – Marketing Research To support strategic planning, BKK elaborated a Macroscopic Transport Model (MTM) for Budapest and its agglomeration, including all transport modes (taking economic, social and environmental aspects into consideration) – available for transport planners. Continuous maintenance required: Traffic counting twice a year, including road traffic, cyclists and public transport Household surveys in every 4 years, with a sample of households (1,5%) Example 2 – Macroscopic Transport Model (external)
BKK measures are transferable! What do you need for success? Appropriate information about context conditions (TIDE deliverables available!) Long-term vision and strategy (Have a clear concept!) Strong political will (Have the mayor onboard!) NGO activity (Involve NGO’s as partners!) Well-trained staff (Educate staff and manage the change!) Efficient allocation of financial resources, including public resources, private capital, EU funds, and fare revenues (Facts are the best arguments!)
Thank you for your attention! László Sándor Kerényi, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport András László Kőrizs, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport