Community Transformation Grant Advisory Committee ~ S YSTEMS & E NVIRONMENTAL C HANGE – AN O VERVIEW Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change
Iowa Cancer Consortium Our Mission is to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Iowa through collaborative efforts that provide services and programs directed towards comprehensive cancer prevention and control.
Iowans Fit for Life Our mission is to develop and strengthen partnerships that prevent and reduce obesity.
Socio-Ecological Model
Policy Merriam-Webster a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body
Systems Merriam-Webster A regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole (such as a number system) as: a group of devices or artificial objects or an organization forming a network especially for distributing something or serving a common purpose such as a telephone system, a heating system, a highway system, or a computer system a form of social, economic, or political organization or practice such as the capitalist system
Environment Merriam-Webster The circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded
Individual Interpersonal Organizational Community Policy, Systems, & Environmental Change Increasing individual effort Increasing impact & reach
Bike lanes are in place, law enforcement monitors the streets, usage is widely accepted. Community gardens are in place in various neighborhoods throughout the city. County ordinance requiring all new county roads that are built must have a sidewalk and bike lane. County ordinance limiting food advertisements within 10 blocks of a school. Environmental Change Policy Change
Environmental Change Policy Change A worksite conducts NEMS-V assessments on the onsite vending machines & makes changes to the offerings providing 30% that meet the healthy criteria. A worksite conducts a stairwell audit to ensure that stairwells are well-lit, safe, and inviting. The CDC’s StairWELL to Better Health signs are hung promoting stairwell usage. A worksite develops guidelines for healthy meetings requiring that all food provided at company- sponsored meetings include healthy choices. A worksite implements a flex-time practice allowing employees to adjust their regular work schedules to incorporate physical activity in their day.
Environmental Change Policy Change Iowa’s minor league baseball fields providing sunscreen Churches changing policy on fried foods and fruits/veggies at church functions Local school implementing a radon testing policy Promoting the use of sunscreen at Iowa’s minor league baseball fields Churches using the Body and Soul program putting in community gardens Worksite HR and management encouraging use of Quitline
Resources Cancer Control PLANET Community Guide Iowa Cancer Plan Recommended Community Strategies and Measures Iowans Fit for Life State Plan CDC
Moving Forward Know what you can and cannot do Know your partners and what they can and cannot do Know the evidence base Know your decision makers Know how to best communicate the need and solution
Thank You! Dennis Haney Iowa Department of Public Health