Ms. Livingston English Grade Level 11 Time Required: 43 Unit: Research Project December 11, 2014 Standards to be addressed: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
SWBAT learn how to include cited quotes for their research paper Take out your sources and have them ready! HOMEWORK: Due MONDAY Draft of Paper – Due to!
Direct Instruction Quotes are required – They are evidence to support your ideas. There are a few ways to include quotes. They are: – Separated – Integrated – Block
DIRECT INSTRUCTION Separated: You distinguish between your ideas and those of your sources. In this form of direct quotation, the quoted words are not fully integrated into the grammatical structure of the sentence. Format: Use a comma or colon before the direct quotation. Capitalize the first letter of the quotation. – St. Paul declared, "It is better to marry than to burn." Or – In his first epistle to the Corinthians, St. Paul commented on lust: "It is better to marry than to burn." For more, see line/qpp.html
DIRECT INSTRUCTION Integrated: You integrate your ideas with those of your source. In this form of direct quotation, there is no signal for the reader that separates your words from the words of your source. Format: Do not use any punctuation (except for quotation marks). Do not capitalize the first letter of the quotation. Example: Thoreau warned his readers to "beware of all enterprises that require new clothes."
DIRECT INSTRUCTION Block: If your quotation is four or more typed lines, you must use block form. Format: Indent the quotation two tabs (10 spaces) from the left margin. Do not enclose the passage in quotation marks. Use a colon to introduce the quotation If your essay is double-spaced, double space the block quotation. Example: In Samuel Beckett's Self-referential Drama, Shimon Levy analyzes the role of the spectator, emphasizing the audience's participation as an important ingredient of the dramatic experience: Beckett moves between what Sartre calls "conscience positionelle"and "conscience reflechie." But because pure reflectiveness is empty, he is in constant search of something to be reflected. It is the act of performance that extricates Beckett from complete silence or empty self-reflectiveness, the latter being like two mirrors with nothing in the middle to serve as the object of reflection. (7)
DIRECT INSTRUCTION Paraphrasing: Authorities disagree about the dating of the pyramids. Professors Sheldon Muncie and William Price conclude, on the basis of the type of brick used and other evidence, that they "were begun no earlier than the late fourteenth century" (56). However, Robert McCall's research indicates a date earlier than 600 A.D. (78). *Note that in the paraphrase, a very brief quotation is used. When you paraphrase, you cannot conveniently borrow the direct language of your source, however brief, without using quotation marks.
DIRECT INSTRUCTION Things to remember: Your paper should be mostly your own ideas, but it’s better to over-cite than under-cite. You cannot use someone else’s ideas or words without giving them credit.
Checking your work… Go through your essay so far and see where you need to add citations for your evidence. Use the sample sheets to help you!
CLOSE What questions do you still have? What is due on Monday?
Formative Assessment Student work will be used to assess student comprehension of direct instruction. Exit question will be used to assess synthesis of class work. Students sit in interest-related groupings.
Adaptations Student selection of topic for paper Visual interpretations of text assists student comprehension Template for supported writing
Extensions Students can work at their own pace to complete work Students can perform a discussion about L3 questions with Appointment partners
Technology Projection of PPT on Whiteboard Calendar of assignments on staff webpage
Materials Handouts PPT