The WTO’s predecessor,the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT).It establishedafter World War 2 in the wake of other multilateral institutions dedicated to International economic corporation GATT was the only multilateral insturement governing international trade form 1948 until the WTO was established on January 1, 1995
World Trade Organization is legal and institutional organ of the multilateral trading system. WTO draw a picture legal form about governments how to do domestic trade laws and regulations and through collective bargaining and negotiations, trade relations between the countries improve on this organization.
Total 153 member countries counted in the year 2011 Budget, 196 million swiss franc in the year 2011 total 629 staff member are present in WTO Accounting over 97%of world trade
Their mission is that The World Trade Organization is the international organization whose primary purpose is to open trade for the benefit of all.
WTO was established on 1 January Countries that are party to round Uruguay negotiations on 15 December 1993 and completed in April 1994 in Marrakesh, Morocco "Final Judgment" signed by the ministers.
WTO agreement, agriculture, textiles and garments, until the rules of intellectual property services in various fields consist of 29 separate text. In addition, the members of WTO commitments on additional responsibilities, and an additional 25 declarations, decisions and agreements are also available.
Sensitive sectors traditionally regarded as the WTO rules and trade in agricultural goods, textiles and clothing products includes. The rules adopted in terms of agricultural market access, rules of promoting domestic production, export promotion practices and food safety, plant and animal health, contain the rules.
Negotiating the reduction of obstacles to trade Administering and monitoring the application of the WTO's agreed rules for trade in goods Monitoring and reviewing the trade policies of our members
Building capacity of developing country government officials in international trade matters Assisting the process of accession of some 30 countries who are not yet members of the organization explaining to and educating the public about the WTO, its mission and its activities
raise the living standards provide employment steadily growing volume of real income and to provide the actual demand
improve the production and trade of goods and services ensure efficient use of the earth's resources to promote development
environment to take protective measures resources according to the needs of developing countries in different economic levels ensure that countries take part in world trade began to develop
customs duties and other trade agreements to eliminate discrimination create a permanent trading system ensure the preservation of the basic principles of the multilateral trading system
From this perspective, the WTO, the International doesn't show similarities with other international organizations.
Not transfer any board of directors the authority to make administrative decisions at the WTO, such as administrative or bureaucratic bodies of member countries of the organization have an impact on individual policies are not.
Member countries have committed to abide by the rules and disciplines of the WTO as a result of the negotiations between the member states still emerging..
Ensuring compliance with WTO rules from time to time by the Member States supported through sanctions, but the implementation of the sanctions, the WTO as an organization, but directly from the member states plays a role
All WTO members may participate in all councils, committees, etc, except Appellate Body, Dispute Settlement panels, and plurilateral committees.
The top most decision-making body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference Usually meets every two years Providing political direction for the organization Take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements
1)9-13 December 1996 in Singapore 2)18-20 May 1998 in Genava,Switzerland 3)30 Novermber -3 December 1999in Seattle, United State 4)10-14 November 2001 in Doha,Qatar 5)10-14 September 2003 in Cancun,Mexico 6)13-18 December 2005 in Hon Kong 7)30 November December in Geneva,Switzerland 8)15-17 Decemeber in 2011 Geneva,Switzerland