THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 1June 1-2, 2004 Pre-Launch Operations Mark Lewis
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 2June 1-2, 2004 Pre-Launch Operations Overview Mission Operations Phases Operations Requirements Pre-Launch Operations Ground System Testing FlatSat Environment Mission Simulations Green Card Exercises
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 3June 1-2, 2004 Mission Operations Phases Pre-launch Operations End-to-End Data Flow Tests with All Ground System Elements Extensive Flight Simulator and Classroom Training Launch and Mission Simulations with Green Card Exercises Launch & Early Orbit Operations Initial Probe and Instrument Check-out, Deploy and Calibration Maneuver Operations for Mission Orbit Placement Normal Operations Science Data Acquisition and Recovery Maneuver Operations for Orbit Optimization Contingency Operations Recovery from Flight and/or Ground System Contingencies Mission Termination Operations Instrument Shutdown Maneuver Operations to Initiate Re-entry
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 4June 1-2, 2004 Operations Requirements REQUIREMENTDESIGN GS.OPS-1. THEMIS Mission Operations shall support all phases of the mission. Compliance. The THEMIS ground segment is designed to support all phases of the mission. GS.OPS-2. A complete set of ephemeris and mission planning products shall be generated to support all mission planning functions, ground contact scheduling and generation of command loads for all probes. Compliance. Software systems in the Flight Dynamics Center are designed to provide all mission planning and ephemeris products to support all mission operations and data analysis functions. GS.OPS-3. Mission planning functions shall ensure that all probes are configured and operated according to specifications, and yield optimum science data while preserving fuel and maintaining adequate margins and probe health. Compliance. The Mission Planning System (MPS) comprises capabilities to check for violations of operational constraints. Other software tools such as FreeFlyer are used to plan maneuver scenarios with optimum fuel consumption. GS.OPS-4. Probe state-of-health shall be monitored during real-time pass supports. Post-pass telemetry playback shall be used to examine back-orbit data for limit violations. Compliance. ITOS will be used to monitor probe state- of-health during real-time pass supports as well as with back-orbit data playback. Yellow and red limit violations are detected and flight controllers are notified in turn. GS.OPS-5. Mission operations shall include data trending to establish baseline parameters and to uncover any developing anomalous conditions early on. Compliance. ITOS provides data trending capabilities. In addition, a database system will be set up to store all probe telemetry data. A query system will allow for rapid data retrieval, including trend analysis and data plotting. GS.OPS-6. Command loads generated on the ground shall be verified prior to upload. Compliance. Command loads generated with MPS are verified by at least two flight controllers prior to uplink. GS.OPS-7. All critical commands, table loads and flight software patches shall be verified on the probe simulator prior to upload. Compliance. A probe simulator (FlatSat) will be provided to the flight control team to test all critical command sequences, tables loads and FSW patches.
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 5June 1-2, 2004 Operations Requirements REQUIREMENTDESIGN GS.OPS-8. The orbit of each probe shall be determined with an accuracy of 10 km at perigee and 100 km at apogee based on two-way Doppler tracking data. Compliance. Number of tracks and ground stations, and accuracy of equipment and software selected to achieve required performance. GS.OPS-9. All orbit maneuvers shall be carefully planned and validated prior to execution. Compliance. All orbit maneuvers are planned with GMAN and validated on probe simulator prior to execution. Mission operations plan will contain details. GS.OPS-10. Attitude determination of all probes shall be ground based and shall be based on raw Sun sensor and FGM data. FGM data recorded near perigee shall be used to cross-calibrate the Sun sensor on each probe. Compliance. GSFC/GNCD provided software tools MSASS and MTASS will be used to perform ground based attitude determination. UCLA will assist with calibration of FGM. GS.OPS-11. All attitude maneuvers shall be carefully planned and validated prior to execution. Compliance. All attitude maneuvers are planned with FreeFlyer and validated on probe simulator prior to execution. Mission operations plan will contain details. GS.OPS-12. Probe anomaly resolution shall be conducted in consultation with pertinent subsystem engineers, instrument scientists and project management personnel. Compliance. The contingency plan will describe steps to be taken for all foreseeable contingency situations and will describe roles of pertinent subsystem engineers, instrument scientists and project management personnel. GS.OPS-13. All critical operations (separation, deployments, and maneuvers) shall be done in real- time contact of the ground system. Compliance. Ground stations and TDRSS provide access to all probes for real-time monitoring and command execution during critical operations. GS.OPS-14. THEMIS Mission Operations shall maintain the Probes spinning about the positive Z axis. Compliance. Spin axis orientation and rate of rotation are verified using ACS sensors.
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 6June 1-2, 2004 Pre-launch Operations Procedure Testing and Validation –Launch & Early Orbit, Normal Operations and Contingencies End-to-End Data Flow Tests with All Ground System Elements –Ground Stations, TDRSS, FlatSat and Flight Dynamics to MOC Launch and Mission Simulations with Green Card Exercises –Practice of Contingency Detection and Recovery Dress Rehearsals –Multiple Cycles of Launch Readiness Testing FOT Training Participation as Test Conductors in Mission I&T Extensive Flight Simulator Training Training on Usage of Various Software Tools Classroom Sessions Given by Subsystems Engineers Team Member Certification
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 7June 1-2, 2004 Ground System Testing Remote Access to I&T Facilities Passive Remote Monitoring Active Remote Operation Procedure Development and Verification Simulations End-to-end Data Flow Testing
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 8June 1-2, 2004 End-to-End Data Flows I&T Facility At Swales Berkeley Mission Operations Center White Sands Ground Terminal Compatibility Test Van GSFC NMC New Secure Closed IONet Connection Wallops Flight Facility Different Routes for End-to-End Data Flows Between Probes and GDS Elements Berkeley Ground Station THEMIS Probe or FlatSat Secure Intranet TDRS Existing Secure Network Connection Existing Secure Network Connection Existing Secure Open IONet Connection
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 9June 1-2, 2004 FlatSat Environment FlatSat Swales Building Mission Simulator (FlatSat) –ColdFire CPU –Communications Card –Power Card –Load/Dev PC –VirtualSat (Spacecraft Dynamics and IDPU) –ACS Sensors/Actuator Remote Access Available for SSL –Primarily After Swales Day Shift Used Extensively for Testing Flight Software and Operations FlatSat Will Move to SSL After Completion of I&T –Facilitate Launch and Contingency Simulations –Post-launch Testing of Flight Software Patches and New Procedures –On-going FOT Proficiency Testing
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 10June 1-2, 2004 FlatSat Environment FlatSat * COTS for A/D-D/A conversion and IDPU I/F Ethernet ITOS S/C Command and Telemetry Realtime Control ITOS S/C Command and Telemetry Realtime Control ACS Actuator/Sensor I/O* ACS Actuator/Sensor I/O* Hard-line Up-Down link Berkley Ground Data System Connected Via Secure Internet Serial I/F Spacecraft Processor ColdFire KB E 2 PROM 512KB RAM Spacecraft Processor ColdFire KB E 2 PROM 512KB RAM COMM Card COMM Card Power Card Power Card Load/DevPC Bus Avionics Unit (BAU) VirtualSat PRO (S/C Dynamics IDPU Simulation) VirtualSat PRO (S/C Dynamics IDPU Simulation) 1-Hz Pulse Digital & Analog Interfaces
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 11June 1-2, 2004 Green Card Exercises Examples of Green Card Exercises Launch Related Anomalies –No Separation from Probe Carrier –High Probability of Re-contact Due to Off-nominal Probe Separation Communications –Negative Telemetry Acquisition Via Ground Station or TDRSS –Multiple Probes Radiating, Causing Interference at Ground Station –Loss of TDRSS Contact –Command Uplink Carrier Down Command and Data Handling –Commands Not Verified State-of-health Limit Violations –Battery State-of-charge High or Low –Over-current or Under-voltage Conditions Detected –Temperature Sensors Indicate High or Low Limit Violation
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 12June 1-2, 2004 Green Card Exercises – Cont. Examples of Green Card Exercises - Continued Processors, Memory and Flight Software –BAU or IDPU Reset –SSR Full at Beginning of Contact Attitude Control System –Probe Attitude Off-nominal –Probe Spin Rate Out of Limits Reaction Control System –Only One Latch Valve Can Be Opened –Thruster Appears to Be Leaking –Pressure Transducer Fails Maneuver Execution –Maneuver Sequencing Not Executed On-board –Attitude Maneuver Halted by FDC Because of Detection of High Angular Rates –Thruster Pulse Firing Sequence Indicates Incorrect Phase Angle –Real-time Doppler Data Deviate from Predicted Track
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 13June 1-2, 2004 Green Card Exercises – Cont. Examples of Green Card Exercises - Continued Instrument Power-on –Unsuccessful IDPU or Instrument Power-on –High-voltage Arcing in ESA or SST Boom Deploy –Unsuccessful Magnetometer Boom Deploy –Radial or Axial Boom Deploy Procedure Not Executed On-board –Radial Boom Deploys Partially Only
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 14June 1-2, 2004 Green Card Exercises – Cont. Examples of Green Card Exercises - Continued Ground Systems –Ground Station Down –Pass Missed Because of Network Outage –Command Workstation Failure During Contact Flight Dynamics –Misidentification of Probes After Separation –Two-way Doppler Data from Ground Station Are Noisy –Orbit Determination Run Does Not Converge –Orbit Determination Yields Large Discrepancy Between Previous and New State Vectors –Attitude Determination Provides Erroneous Results
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 15June 1-2, 2004 Green Card Exercises – Cont. Examples of Green Card Exercises - Continued Space Environment –Major Solar Storm – Potentially Affecting All Probes Constellation Related Problems –Early Orbit Timeline Halted Because of Probe Anomaly –Probe Anomaly Requires Re-scheduling of Pass Sequence –FSW Bug Detected on One Probe with Potential to Occur on Other Probes –Simultaneous Anomaly on Two Probes Staff Related Problems –ACS Engineer Missing During Maneuver Contact
THEMIS FDMO CDR Peer Review − Pre-Launch Operations 16June 1-2, 2004 Backup MOC Backup MOC Possibilities Under Study Probable Location in SMEX MOC at GSFC Two Workstations Configured with S/W Necessary for Minimal Operations –ITOS, MPS, BEARS, BTAPS, SatTrack Used in the Event SSL Rendered Un-useable For More than One Day Backup MOC Workstation for FAST and RHESSI Has Just Been Installed in the SMEX MOC –Testing of This Backup Capability Scheduled to Begin on June 4, 2004