Coastline Community College Humanities Program Review April 2005 Review Team Marilyn Fry, Department Chair Shanon Christiansen, Ph.D., Dean of Instruction.


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Presentation transcript:

Coastline Community College Humanities Program Review April 2005 Review Team Marilyn Fry, Department Chair Shanon Christiansen, Ph.D., Dean of Instruction Professor Robert Covert, Ph.D. Professor Glenn Harwood, Ph.D. Professor Ken Leighton Professor Catherine T. Palmer Professor Toni Shuit, Ph.D. Librarian Cheryl Stewart Professor Esther Terry Strauss-Thacker

Executive Summary The Coastline Humanities Program is very healthy FTES generation has grown each year since 2001for local and distant students Enrollments in contract education have increased significantly A greater number of incarcerated students are being served through telecourses

The Humanities Program has a stable, experienced cadre of faculty 5 faculty have Ph.D.s; 1 has an Ed.D. 4 full-time faculty are associated with the program 20 part-time faculty, most of whom teach full part-time load of 9 LHEs

The major change in the program has been the shift from classroom-based courses to distance learning courses. Humanities, Communications and Philosophy are almost entirely taught through telecourse, cable course, online (WWW) English now teaches over half of its course offerings online A CD-ROM Communications course and three online Literature classes are currently in development.

Another change is that the program has added one study abroad course, Humanities 114 (Critical Studies in Humanities), that is taught each spring and each summer. In addition, English 180 (Shakespeare) is currently being revised by instructor Linda Carpenter to be a study abroad course.

It is interesting to note that students enrolled in the Humanities Program differ somewhat from the students in the college as a whole: CoastlineHumanities Program White43%30.64% Vietnamese25%31.99% Other Asian 6.06% Hispanic 11%14.81% Black 4% 3.37%

Student Elements Based on student responses to the Program Review survey, almost 88% of the students taking courses in the Humanities Program are between 18 and 45 years of age. The majority of students (56.86%) are between

Women outnumber men in Humanities courses, 56.38% to 43.62%.

The majority of students (69.8%) enrolled in Humanities courses indicated that a high school diploma is the highest degree they hold. Almost 18% have an associate’s degree, and just over 8.5% have a bachelor’s or graduate degree.

More than three quarters of the Humanities students are working part or full time. Only 19.33% are not working outside the home.

1. Need

2. Student Learning Outcomes

In response to a question about satisfaction with the quality of instruction, 299 students responded, and 202 of them (67.56%) said that they were very satisfied, and 82 (27.42%) said that they were somewhat satisfied. Only 6 (2.01%) said that they were somewhat dissatisfied with 2 dissatisfied (0.67%) and 7 (2/34%) who didn't know. 3. Student Satisfaction

In response to the question about satisfaction with the feedback and guidance by the instructor they received, 201 (67.22%) of the 299 respondents were very satisfied; 79 (26.42%) were somewhat satisfied; 10 (3.34%) were somewhat dissatisfied; 2 (.067%) were very dissatisfied; and 7 (2.34%) didn't know. The high "don't know" response may have been because the surveys were given during the first six weeks of the new semester, before midterm exams

Satisfaction with the overall quality of the program was very high: of 298 students, 170 (57.05%) were very satisfied, and 101 (33.89%) were very satisfied. Only 12 (4.03%) were somewhat dissatisfied, and 2 (0.67%) were very dissatisfied; only 13 (4.36%) didn't know.

The majority of the students were satisfied with the amount of interaction they had with their instructor and with their fellow students in their distance learning classes: 27 of 93 respondents (27.96%) strongly agreed; 54 (58.06%) agreed; 7 (7.53%) disagreed; 6 (6.45%) strongly disagreed. Several commented that they did not have much interaction, but they didn't care. Several said that they did not have much interaction with their teachers but that, what was more important, their teachers were accessible when they needed help, that they can telephone or their instructors at any time.

4. Program Resources Blackboard and chalk Whiteboard and markers Overhead projects Smart podiums DVD & VHS Players Coastline Computer Server Network Course Management Software

5. Partnerships With UCI’s Informatics B.S. Degree Program for seamless, guaranteed transfer. With High School Districts to encourage students to enroll in our Access Program. With Huntington Beach Union High School in the CALPASS Program to coordinate communication between high school and Coastline faculty.

6. Professional Development

7. Diversity

8. Five-year Goals & Recommendations By December 2005, review and revise all course outlines. Identify courses that meet the “Global and Multicultural Studies” A.A. degree requirement for inclusion in the catalog. Continue to expand student awareness and use of the Coastline Virtual Library. Continue to develop and improve distance learning courses, including hybrid. Continue to lobby for adequate pay for online instructors teaching military students. Continue to encourage smaller class sizes in English and Speech. By 2009, develop a comprehensive Humanities Program Web site with individual Web pages for each individual instructor. By 2007, create a basic skills and ESL practice lab at the new Westminster Center. By 2007, reestablish a reading program.