Rare Pride English Program Week 3 Summary February 16, 2009 – February 20, 2009
Introducing… “9 Stars Coming to America” Every cohort that enters the Rare Pride program creates a group name they feel best represents who they are and where they come from. The name “9 Stars Coming to America” highlights their shining abilities and their new US adventures. Join the 9 Stars page on RarePlanet.org by entering “9 Stars” in the search box or by typing in this URL: stars-coming-america Join the 9 Stars page on RarePlanet.org by entering “9 Stars” in the search box or by typing in this URL: stars-coming-america
Refresher: Objectives of First University Phase After the first university phase (nine weeks), each campaign manager will be able to: 1.Develop a project plan for a successful social marketing campaign. 2.Utilize skills (toolbox) to manage projects. 3.Leverage effective communication skills to achieve conservation results. Objective fruit from Weeks 1 - 3
Objectives for Week #3 After the third week, each campaign manager will be able to: 1.Describe the steps and processes for writing a site summary. 2.Identify the roles and responsibilities of the primary stakeholders in the project plan development phase. 3.Explain 2 methods for conducting research. 4.Articulate the importance of a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach to conservation. Reviewing objectives at start of week
Topics and Skills Taught in Week #3 Phases and Steps in Rare Pride process Multi-sector Nature of Conservation Developing a Quality Site Assessment Collecting Data for Formative Research Mitigating Risk Role of Stakeholders in Pride campaign Preparing for and Designing the Stakeholder Meeting Using Miradi for Pride Serena Island Case Study
Topics and Skills HIGHLIGHTS
Phases and Steps in Pride Process The two year Rare Pride process follows 7 phases that complement the phases in CMP’s Open Standards for Conservation. These 7 phases are: 1.Outline the Problems (Situational Analysis) 2.Assess Marketplace and Target Audiences 3.Campaign Plan and Strategies 4.Message Development 5.Material Development and Pre-Testing 6.Campaign Implementation 7.Evaluate your Program
Pride Campaign Steps Pride Phases CMP Phases
Focusing on First 2 Phases Campaign Managers reviewed the steps for campaign preparation, and learned intensively about the first two steps: – Site Assessment – Stakeholder Identification – Stakeholder Meeting
Campaign Site Summary Campaign Managers worked to further develop their site summaries. They used the below Excel Scorecard to: Analyze their summaries based on 4 categories: 1.Thoroughness 2.Based on formative research 3.Logically presented 4.Clearly written Identify information gaps to be filled with secondary research (literature reviews) and qualitative research (interviews)
Role of Stakeholders in Pride Emphasizing importance of stakeholders in determining Pride strategy and for mitigating risks in campaign Ensuring proper representation of all key stakeholders in meetings – The tool at right helps segment stakeholders by sector and level of involvement at site Planning the stakeholder meeting, including timing and logistics
Mini Pride Campaign: Georgetown Rare uses a “mini campaign” in training to directly apply Pride theories learned in the classroom to a real world example. The cohort selects the site and threat to focus their campaign on and will actively work on this campaign during each university phase. This year’s campaign will target Energy Consumption or Waste Management at Georgetown University (concept model and threat ranking coming soon!)
Taking a Trip to Serena Island Serena Island is a fictitious Pride case study used throughout Pride training to exemplify concepts taught in the classroom. Each campaign manager was given the Serena Island project plan to read and reference. The Training Process: After new concepts are introduced in the classroom, campaign managers will first review the example in Serena Island and then apply them directly to their mini-campaign.
This Week’s Guests
9 Stars Welcome Rare’s Partnership Managers from Around the Globe Week 3 coincided with Rare’s Partnership Manager training at the Arlington office. This provided an opportunity for Partnership Managers to meet the cohort and join our session on the Role of Stakeholders. Kate Mannle, Global Partnerships, USA Ximin Wang, China Khanh Nguyen, PEP & Paloma Chavez, Latin America
Week 3 Photos
Campaign managers looked at sectors from Anthropology to Economics and more, and created links to components of their Theory of Change that may be impacted by those sectors. Objective was to show the breadth of factors and resources to consider when running a Pride campaign. Exploring how other sectors influence and impact their Theory of Change
Campaign Managers and Program Managers Unite!
Sharing Local Cuisine Egg soup from China Beef pockets from Mongolia Moo Young Pork from Thailand Quesadillas from Mexico
Developing a Site Assessment for the Mini-campaign
Learning Miradi Rare uses Miradi for all aspects of the Pride process from the original site assessment to concept modeling & threat ranking to revising conservation strategies. Miradi is a swahili word for Project, and this adaptive management software was developed by Foundations of Success (FOS) to assist with the conservation process outlined in CMP’s Open Standards.
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