1 Ambassadors for ACTIVlearning: research into learning tools Christina Preston, Miranda Net International Research Centre, Southampton University, Hants
a self regulating CPO established in 1992 intended to increase teachers’ sense of ownership and professionalism - certificate practice-based (action) research principles accrediting professional Fellows dissemination - 1,200 teachers a day downloading materials from this site in English Giving teachers a professional voice…… Gallery and Website 1996
World Ecitizens Sharing cultural diversity Giving young people a voice Peer support for community leaders Certificates for teachers, community leaders and learners A gallery, VLE and e-journal for self-regulated learning : 2003
Harness the power of the personal connection
The MirandaNet solution MirandaNet scholars conduct practice- based research. Findings are discussed with mentors and colleagues in an e-journal. Case studies are published on the MirandaNet site. Work is accredited through MirandaNet Academy - Bath Spa University.
Current literature (2005) The Interactive Whiteboard: a literature survey Derek Glover, David Miller, Doug Averis & Victoria Door Interactive whiteboards: boon or bandwagon? A critical review of the literature Heather J. Smith, Steve Higgins, Kate Wall & Jen Miller
Themes Small-scale studies: the impact on schools, on classroom management, pedagogy. Managing change Learning styles Concerns that IWB use is ‘just another presentational tool’. Changing pupil/teacher participation patterns (Davison & Pratt, 2003)
Ambassadors for ACTIVlearning China, Mexico, South Africa, UK Three year research programme
Partner Universities and Organisations The Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, China MirandaNet International Research Centre (MIRC), Education Department, Southampton University, United Kingdom The Elearning Institute, South Africa Pretoria University, South Africa UNESCO North Committee, Monterrey Nuevo León State Government, Mexico Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico
Aims To provide detailed evidence and advice for educators and policy makers who are charged with making a difference in the long term for teachers and teacher advisers who need access to ideas and advice immediately Ambassadors for ACTIVlearning
The research methodology : two parallel strands First strand * quantitative and qualitative evidence from 100 teachers and 1,000 students *three year period *to be published in a web knowledge base.
Achievement in literacy, numeracy and ICT skills Motivating reluctant learners Creating more active learning opportunities Changing the classrooms layout Reasons for adopting ACTIVboards Curriculum Uses
Lack of resources To improve the design of resources To use learners for resource development To enrich the ICT skills of the staff and learners To facilitate the sharing of knowledge process amongst the staff To increase the involvement of parents
Topics The detailed ways which the boards are used in different situations Effective classroom layouts Curriculum specialisations Self-evaluation templates Impact on attainment evidence Training issues Creating resources Methods of integrating knowledge of home computers into formal education Barriers to the use of new tools Suggestions for further software.
World Ecitizens To improve citizenship responsibility and racial harmony To give young learners’ a voice To offer opportunities for democratic participation To provide a sense of social worth and belonging.
Mexico:Teachers As Researchers A transformation in their identities as practitioners towards a more socially recognized role of compromised agents of change in education An empowerment in the decision making process for planning of lessons and management within their schools and the State Secretary of Education More creativity in the design of educational resources and pedagogical activities in their classrooms
Analysis ∆Evidence of broadening and deepening learning over this period. ∆Evidence of increasing understanding of teachers’ and learners’ needs in context.
The Research Methodology Second Strand *The findings from 10 schools and colleges *Variety of socio-economic backgrounds and educational phases *All won an international competition *Innovative approach to learning and commitment to change.
Community of Enquiry Evidence for policy makers, teacher educators and senior managers in schools move beyond advanced skills training.
‘Community of Enquiry’ Questions about : A holistic view of learning technologies in their local environment Achievements against international evidence of attainment the nature of attainment and achievement the quality of learning and its application and the meaning of the transformation of learning.
The aim of the COE is to develop understanding and change practice through a long-term shift in conceptions of how ICT can be embedded in classroom practices. to shape learning outcomes that are a better match with the learners’ needs.
The research themes (1) Learning and teaching theory and practice The role of communities of enquiry in education systems Learning dialogues and creative thinking The provision and management of effective virtual and real learning environments
The impact of ‘out of school’ learning The contribution of new tools to social communication Advice on regional and national infrastructure for policy makers New themes will emerge to create knowledge about the future of learning The research themes (2)
Changes …
Primary School : “Profr. Simón Salazar Mora” Nuevo León, México Teacher: Yazmín Garza Barragán
Using ICT in our classrooms
This is our primary school.
The school staff
Our classroom before we had the Interactive Whiteboard
We were getting our classroom ready to receive and use the ACTIVboard
Now, this is our classroom. We know how to work in small groups and we are learning how to use the Interactive Whiteboard. We have had the opportunity to interact with it in different subjects.
We are trying hard !
“Ing. Leopoldo Naranjo” Elementary School
I have the IWB since last 5th April, but before I used this, the work was very boring. We used a traditional blackboard with eraser and chalk. The classroom organization was in lines, sometimes in teams, but was very difficult to have all the students attention.
But now, all is different!
My students are very happy, they like to participate in all the classes, even in Math. The like to work in teams so much, the behavior is good. They like to listen the sound of the computer clock, that indicates the time is over.
For me is more easy that my students learn all my explanations.
Every month, the head teacher convokes a meeting with the educational staff. The last meeting was in my classroom because the teachers were interested in knowing my Promethean IWB.
Parents receiving information about how to work with the IWB.
Sometimes they prepare some lessons in the computer, like some explanations about a particular topic. They say that now is more fun and easy to learn the different subjects.
Equal voices?
MirandaNet model Braided Learning
The braided learning image the weaving together of individual evidence to make professional pedagogy and policy Braided learning
Creating a web environment where students leave their imprint on the community, and the field, as an integral part of their learning. Braided learning The doctoral challenge
Teacher Case Studies Promethean- MirandaNet Action Research Projects : Case studies and resources Promethean Ambassadors International Project
“Collaborating on the boundaries of the possible” Workshop October 2006 Prague, Czech Republic Other events in 2006 BETT06 January London, UK