Different Perspectives The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT X4.5
Different Perspectives X4.5 Different Perspectives
Are technological advances driving the curriculum? X4.5 Different Perspectives
Chain reaction TUTOR: A tutor sees some interesting educational software at a conference, and orders it for the department. When it arrives, the tutor sends it to Technical Support, with a note asking for it to be loaded onto the network. TUTOR: A tutor sees some interesting educational software at a conference, and orders it for the department. When it arrives, the tutor sends it to Technical Support, with a note asking for it to be loaded onto the network. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Technical Support put it with the other items waiting to be loaded and concentrate on trying to eradicate a virus that has found its way into the system. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Technical Support put it with the other items waiting to be loaded and concentrate on trying to eradicate a virus that has found its way into the system. TUTOR: At the next lesson, the tutor tells the learners to use the software as part of their latest assignment, unaware that it has not yet been loaded onto the network. TUTOR: At the next lesson, the tutor tells the learners to use the software as part of their latest assignment, unaware that it has not yet been loaded onto the network. LEARNER: One of the learners goes to the Learning Resource Centre and asks for access to the software. LEARNER: One of the learners goes to the Learning Resource Centre and asks for access to the software. LRC ASSISTANT: The LRC Assistant knows nothing about the software and sends the learner away. LRC ASSISTANT: The LRC Assistant knows nothing about the software and sends the learner away. LEARNER: The learner is annoyed, and goes back to the tutor to complain. LEARNER: The learner is annoyed, and goes back to the tutor to complain. TUTOR: The tutor is irritated and in turn complains to both Technical Support and the LRC about the lack of help. TUTOR: The tutor is irritated and in turn complains to both Technical Support and the LRC about the lack of help. RESULT: Everyone in the chain of events is upset with someone else and the outcomes are negative. RESULT: Everyone in the chain of events is upset with someone else and the outcomes are negative. X4.5 Different Perspectives
Chain reaction 2 TUTOR: A tutor sees some interesting educational software at a conference and discusses its suitability for installation on the network and the timeframe in which this can be achieved. TUTOR: A tutor sees some interesting educational software at a conference and discusses its suitability for installation on the network and the timeframe in which this can be achieved. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Technical Support orders the software for the department. There is time to plan so that when the software arrives, it is loaded on to the network and Technical Support notifies the tutor, and the LRC. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Technical Support orders the software for the department. There is time to plan so that when the software arrives, it is loaded on to the network and Technical Support notifies the tutor, and the LRC. TUTOR: When it is available, the tutor tells the learners to use the software as part of their latest assignment, knowing that it has been loaded on to the network. TUTOR: When it is available, the tutor tells the learners to use the software as part of their latest assignment, knowing that it has been loaded on to the network. LEARNER: One of the learners goes to the LRC and asks for access to the software. LEARNER: One of the learners goes to the LRC and asks for access to the software. LRC ASSISTANT: The LRC Assistant shows the learner how to access the software, having been briefed on its suitability for certain courses. LRC ASSISTANT: The LRC Assistant shows the learner how to access the software, having been briefed on its suitability for certain courses. RESULT: The outcome is a positive one, provided that time is allowed for the process to be completed. RESULT: The outcome is a positive one, provided that time is allowed for the process to be completed. X4.5 Different Perspectives
In order to get the job done, do you need to determine: What needs to happen? Who is responsible? Who needs to be involved? Who else needs to know? How is it best communicated to them? All of these? X4.5 Different Perspectives
Who does what – needs and solutions Curriculum needs A printer that works (preferably a new one) Technical support when jams occur Training for learners in managing their printing Curriculum solutions Discuss the need to budget for a new printer with the department head Seek training in basic trouble-shooting techniques for print jams Reinforce good print-management behaviour with learners Technical needs Fewer call-outs Curriculum staff take greater responsibility for print management in the classroom Greater awareness by staff of print-management techniques Technical solutions Review maintenance log and consider purchasing new printer (if necessary) Offer staff training on trouble-shooting techniques Provide a one-off training session on print-management techniques for learners X4.5 Different Perspectives
Spectrum: Different models of support Teaching learnersHardware only Software + hardware Technical back-up in the classroom Trouble-shooting Peer mentoring/ project support/ user forums Staff training sessions X4.5 Different Perspectives