TECHNOLOGY & CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT [ There’s an App for that! ] Jim Horwat EDUC-504
Classroom management is one of the biggest challenges teachers face… New teachers are particularly unprepared for dealing with behavior problems in their classrooms. New teachers universally report feeling particularly overwhelmed by the most difficult students. 15 percent leave the profession and another 14 percent change schools after their first year, often as the result of feeling overwhelmed, ineffective, and unsupported.
‘ClassDojo’… is a FREE downloadable App. It has been described as: “one of the best educational tools of the 21 st century” (Bilingual Monster, n.d.).
Is this presentation propaganda for yet another software app? Are teachers really using this “dojo” thing? I have enough ‘new technology’ to keep up with. How does it relate to my classroom? Can I have a ‘nonbiased’ opinion? What are the real deal Pro’s / Con’s of Class Dojo? Should I care?
These concerns will indeed be addressed. But first… A review of ‘Internal’ & ‘External’ motivation (Class Activity)
Class Dojo… Favors positive feedback over punishment Communicates directly; reinforces instantly Can be used for simple behavior tracking, progress monitoring, goal setting, attendance and parent communication Collects, saves and graphs data Mobile / universal: works with a tablet, smartphone, laptop or smart-board Colorful, light-hearted, engaging
What’s with all these cartoony little monsters?
So it graphs data, eh?
That all sounds peachy, but can I just see how this thing works? ‘Class Dojo - A Short Film’
How about sharing some Pros / Cons of Class Dojo? PROS Reinforces responsibility Helps students track their own academic goals, progress and expectations Valuable, time-saving tool for data collection; Special Ed Found to improve intrinsic motivation over time CONS Works short term but fails to regulate behavior long term Generalizes complex individual behaviors Shames students publicly who get negative points Focuses on external rewards very “carrot on a stick”
What about Common Core? Class Dojo can be used in conjunction with Common Core standards. Academic units of study can be entered, incorporated and tracked within App Use “I can statements” for Common Core benchmarks and goal setting each quarter Students can self monitor their progress
How about some tips for using Class Dojo successfully? Use in conjunction with small prizes, awards, contests etc. Utilize the new ‘trend spotter’ feature Positive Points have a greater impact on behavior Only assign Negative Points for “Big Deals”
Ok, I’m interested (sorta)… Where can I download this? (It’s free)
Bilingual Monster. (n.d.). Is your class out of control? Check the best classroom management tool ever developed, Class Dojo. [Website Review]. Retrieved from the-best-classroom-management-tool-ever-developed-class-dojo the-best-classroom-management-tool-ever-developed-class-dojo Cuban, Larry. (2014, March 15). On Using And Not Using ClassDojo*: Ideological Differences? [Blog]. Retrieved from classdojo-ideological-differences/ classdojo-ideological-differences/ Giuliani, Jes. (2013, May 28). Class Dojo - A Short Film. [Video File]. Retrieved from Hertz, Mary Beth. (n.d.). ClassDojo Handy online tool helps teachers track and manage student behavior. [Website Review]. Retrieved from Klein, Erin. (2013, March 11). With ClassDojo - Go Paperless, Reach Common Core Standards, & Enhance Engagement! [Blog]. Retrieved from classdojo-go-paperless-reach.htmlhttp:// classdojo-go-paperless-reach.html Mims, Lisa. (2013, June 13). Classroom Behavior? There’s an App for That. [Blog]. Retrieved from References