OUTLINE of PRESENTATION SCOPE NEW TERMS AND DEFINITIONS General Requirements Determination of an FF-ALPP Maintenance of the FF-ALPP Specific Requirements Corrective action plans for fruit flies in an FF- ALPP (Annex 1) Examples of FTD values used as low pest prevalence for fruit flies ( Appendix 1)
SCOPE This standard provides guidelines for the establishment and maintenance of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (including places and sites of production of low pest prevalence) for use as a risk mitigation measure to facilitate trade of fruits and vegetables. This standard applies to fruit flies (Tephritidae) of economic importance.
New term and definition Target fruit fly species : Fruit fly species identified by the NPPO for a commodity intended to be traded or moved from an area, place or site of production.
General Requirements The general requirements of an Area of Low pest prevalence for fruit flies (FF -ALPP ) include determination and establishment. Determination : The target fruit fly species and delimitation of the area are elements to be considered in this phase.
General Requirements (cont.) Establishment: It is necessary to determine a parameter to estimate the level of FF- prevalence, the most commonly used is the FTD value (flies per trap per day,) which is a population index to estimate the average number of flies captured by one trap. Also a surveillance system should be in place, as well as control measures to supress fruit fly populations.
General Requirements (cont.) Verification and declaration: the NPPO is responsible for the verification and official declaration of FF-ALPP status to trading partners. Maintenance: Once the FF-ALPP is declared, different phytosanitary actions such as surveillance, control measures and a corrective action plan, should be applied in order to maintain the status.
General Requirements (cont.) The conditions for Suspension, loss and reinstatement of FF-ALPP status are directly related to the low pest prevalence level of the target fruit fly determined in the area. The necessary documents and records of the different procedures implemented, must be kept to demonstrate the FF-pest status
Specific Requirements Two different categories of the FF-ALPP are described: A buffer zone for a pest free area, pest free place or site of production (permanent or in an eradication process) and, An area of LPP for export purposes, usually in conjunction with other risk mitigation measures as a component of a systems approach (e.g. post harvest treatment, less attractive hosts, tolerant varieties, physicals barriers)
Specific Requirements (cont.) Determination, establishment, maintenance and control measures, are required for the two FF-ALPP categories.
GUIDELINES ON CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS FOR FRUIT FLIES IN AN FF-ALPP (ANNEX 1) Annex 1 describes the procedures to be followed in the case of an outbreak of the target pest and the elements that should be considered when setting up the corrective action plan.
ANNEX 1 (cont.) Elements to be considered when implementing a corrective action plan include: criteria for the declaration of an outbreak time scales for the initial response and follow-up activities technical criteria for a delimiting survey suppression actions identification capability availability of sufficient operational resources effective communication within the NPPO and with the trading partner
ACTIONS TO BE FOLLOWED WHEN APPLYING THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Declaration of an outbreak and first actions Determination of the phytosanitary features of the outbreak Suspension and loss of FF-ALPP status Implementation of control measures in the affected area Criteria for lifting the suspension or reinstatement of FF-ALPP status* (footnote about the number of biological cycles of target pest to be considered when lifting suspension or for reinstatement) Notification of relevant agencies
Examples of FTD values used as low pest prevalence for fruit flies Examples of FTD values used as low pest prevalence for fruit flies ( Appendix 1) Appendix 1 illustrates some FTD (flies per trap per day) values used internationally for determining low pest prevalence levels for different fruit fly species in diverse scenarios.