Case Abstract Ruilan, li Female 65y From: Department of gastroenterology 06/01/2006
Chief complaints Intermittent hemorrhage in gingival mucosa for one year, epigastric bloating for two weeks and hematemesis for six days
History(1) Intermittent gingival bleeding for one year, usually during brushing teeth, without rhinorrhagia, petechia, ecchymosis, hematuria,hematochezia, and melena. No therapy. Middle and upper abdominal floating for two weeks , accompanied with nausea, no relationship to meal , without heartburn , vomitting , abdominal pain , hematochezia, and melena. The symptom could not resolve after using Motilium.
History(2) Hematemesis occurred after taking hot food six days ago, for four times, about 1000ml; accompanied with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitation, fatigue and diaphoresis.
History(3) At emergency room Vital signs stable CBC: WBC 10.09*10^9,Hgb 101g/l,Plt 77*10^9/l Biochemistry: ALT 35 U/l, Tbil 0.9mg/dl PT+A: PT 16.3s Alb: 2.5mg/dl HbsAg(+) Ultrasonic: spleenomegaly, no abdominal effusion
History(4) Treated with transfusion, anti-acid, somatostatin at emergency room. No hemetemesis any more. Endoscopy: esophageal varices, no active bleeding; chronic gastritis
Past history: deny hepatitis or parasite infection. Personal history : deny alcohol abuse, cigarette. Marital and menstrual history: no special. Family history: one daughter HbsAg(+).
Physical examination vital signs:BP 125/60mmHg, P 85, T 36,R 20; varicosity on abdominal wall, spleenomegaly , pittable edema on both legs , palmer erythema (-), spider angiomata ( - ), shift dullness ( - ) , flutter trembler ( - ) , normal on psychological and mental test
Primary diagnosis Upper gastrointestinal bleeding esophageal varices rupture Chronic hepatitis B hepatocirrhosis esophageal varices spleenomegaly Child B Chronic gastritis