ESSnet on Consistency of Concepts and applied Methods of Business and Trade-related Statistics: Statistical Units P.Schuhl & S.Mabile, INSEE - France ________________________________________________________.


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Presentation transcript:

ESSnet on Consistency of Concepts and applied Methods of Business and Trade-related Statistics: Statistical Units P.Schuhl & S.Mabile, INSEE - France ________________________________________________________ ESSnet on consistency – Statistical Units Workshop Riga, 19 – 20 June 2012 Local Units Inquiry Results 1

2 2.4 Local Units Contents Introduction : mainly the Business Register Experts point of view Business Register (Module 3) –How to identify LUs : Sources and methods (Q ) –LUs and employment (Q3.3) –LUs and georeference (Q ) –LUs and economic activities (Q ) –Which operative definitions for local unit (Q3.9)? Business Register (Modules 3+5) –Relations between LUs and LKAUs Short-term Statistics (filter questions) –Industry (production) and Retail… (Turnover) Conclusion (for Local Units)

3 Introduction : mainly the Business Register Experts point of view (section A) Number of Modules 3 submitted SECTION * A (BR) C (STS) D (STS) E (STS) F (STS) No Yes27* 1 (empty)23234 Total31 - Module 3 on Local Units is NOT TO BE FILLED by SBS experts (section B) or by STS experts (sections C to F) if the answer to : “how does your NSI identify the population of statistical units observed in your Short-Term Statistics (single answer) is different from Local Unit, OR is ”Local Units are the ones identified in the BR without any further manipulation” * STS Sections : C= industry (turnover) D = industry (production) E = retail trade… (turnover) F= other (turnover) (*) 9 questions - Response rate > 90 % (except for open question 3.4 : 50%)

Business Register (Module 3)  How to identify LUs : Sources and methods (Q )  LUs and employment (Q3.3)  LUs and georeference (Q )  LUs and economic activities (Q )  Which operative definitions (Q3.9)?

5 How to identify LUs : Sources and methods (Q3.1) - Good quality of answers (29 countries) - almost all sources declared are defined (2.2 sources in average) - 1 country with NO SOURCE for LU - 66% of countries have 1 or 2 sources (9 + 10) - and 66% of countries have 2 sources or more (19) Type of sources used : Statistical* (4), Administrative** (11), Both (13) * SBS, profiling, other surveys ** Social security, legal, tax sources…

6 How to identify LUs : Sources and methods (Q3.2) CYBy sources.. MTEach place… Number of countries No response : 2 (6%) Each place is considered a Local Unit : 13 (42%) Further analysis : 16 (52%) Of which (multiple answers) : - Sources identify unit with employment : 11 - thresholds : 4 - more complex methods : 1 - Other : 3

7 LUs and employment (Q3.3)  Q3.3 Do you have local units without employment? Yes = 19 No = 10 but : 1) how to monitor employment? (if only sources for employees / wage earners; …or no sources at all ) 2) part-time? (e.g. one day a week) 3) Threshold effects ? (salaries, taxable turnover...) 4) Activities? (construction, utilities, retail trade, restaurants professional activities...) CY NO MT NO => in practice, employment is not a necessary condition to define local units

8 LUs and georeference (Q )  Which is the maximum geo. detail used to identify a local unit of an enterprise? Number of countries - Addresses + georeference (A&G): 17 - addresses only (ADR): 9 Other : - Zip code (ZIP): 1 - Municipality (MUN): 1 - No (//) : 1 CY A&G MT //

9 19/06/2012 LUs and economic activities (Q )  List the main adm/stat sources that permit to store more than one economic activity of the local unit Number of countries -No more than one activity (NO): 11 -Statistical sources : 3 -Administrative sources : 5 -‘Mixed’ sources: 10 CY mixed MT no

10 Which operative definitions for Local Unit (Q3.9)?  Eurostat definition* is the answer for 52% of countries - * Eurostat definition or a proxy : 15 - from administrative sources (ADM): 8 - not different from LKAU: 3 - active locations: 2 - Enterprise: 1

Business Register (Modules 3+5) Relations between LUs and LKAUs

12  For most countries, LUs are not different from LKAUs Relations between LUs and LKAUs Number of countries LU=proxy(LKAU) : 16 LU is surveyed to define LKAUs : 3 LU is defined from LKAUs (aggregation): 5 P. More complex (Profiling methods): 1 Z. No information (and/or no LKAU): 4

Short-term Statistics (filter questions) Examples of: Industry (production) (section D) and Retail Trade and repair (turnover) (section E)

14 Statistical units observed for STS in Industry (Production) and in Retail Trade...(Turnover) 1= Enterprise; 2 = Local Unit; 3 = KAU; 4 = LKAU 4 countries use Local Unit for STS production (industry)......and none for STS turnover in Retail Trade & repair (or other services)

15 Conclusion (for Local Units)  Local Units are essentially evaluated by Business Register experts; variety of situations  SBS experts not surveyed (LU = not a mandatory statistical unit in SBS regulation)  STS : rarely used as the main statistical source (some cases for industrial production), and if yes, information comes directly from BR => no double inquiry  In practice : LUs always in BR, georeference is often available, but they are not always distinct from LKAUs (and in some cases, from Enterprises)  Multiple administrative or statistical sources are used, but Employment is not a necessary criterion to define local units  Activities : 2/3 countries monitor more than one activity (but usually not for all the units) Relevance for other domains not tested (labour market, environment)

16 ESSnet on Consistency of Concepts and applied Methods of Business and Trade-related Statistics: Statistical Units Thank you for your attention! Please address queries to: Sylvie Mabile & Pierrette Schuhl Contact information: Insee 18 bd Adolphe-Pinard Paris Cedex 14