GUI & Optimizer for the Virtual Pipeline Simulation Testbed Walamitien Oyenan November 10, 2003 MSE Presentation (Phase 2)
Presentation Outline Updated Document Updated Document Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram JGraph Design JGraph Design GUI Design GUI Design Optimizer Design Optimizer Design Other Documents Other Documents Demonstration Demonstration
Updated Document Software Requirement Specification: Software Requirement Specification: Web Start Web Start Checkpoint Checkpoint Replay Replay Directed Graph Directed Graph Cost Estimation Cost Estimation
Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram
JGraph Design JGraph is a modification of JTree's source code. JGraph is a modification of JTree's source code. Trees are mostly used to display data structures Trees are mostly used to display data structures JGraph is typically used to modify a graph, and handle these modifications in an application-dependent way. JGraph is typically used to modify a graph, and handle these modifications in an application-dependent way.
JGraph Design - Model The model provides the data for the graph, consisting of the cells, which may be vertices, edges or ports, and the connectivity information. The model provides the data for the graph, consisting of the cells, which may be vertices, edges or ports, and the connectivity information.
JGraph Design - View JGraph's view just contains information about how to render components. JGraph's view just contains information about how to render components. The graph view also has a reference to a hash table, which is used to provide a mapping from cells to cell views. The graph view also has a reference to a hash table, which is used to provide a mapping from cells to cell views.
JGraph Design - Control The control defines the mapping from user events to methods of the graph. The control defines the mapping from user events to methods of the graph. The events dispatched by the model may be categorized into: The events dispatched by the model may be categorized into: Change notification Change notification History support History support
GUI - Design Most of the classes of the Pipeline Editor extend the classes of JGraph. Most of the classes of the Pipeline Editor extend the classes of JGraph. Class Diagram Class Diagram Class Diagram Class Diagram
Optimizer Design For each job j : For each job j : computation time Wj computation time Wj communication time Cj communication time Cj The objective is to minimize the load on the machines. The objective is to minimize the load on the machines.
Optimizer Design – cont. Depth-First Branch and Bound At each node, we minimize a cost function for the busiest machine. At each node, we minimize a cost function for the busiest machine. A vertex in the tree represents a partial/complete allocation of jobs on machines. A vertex in the tree represents a partial/complete allocation of jobs on machines. The root of the search tree is the empty allocation. The root of the search tree is the empty allocation. A vertex at level k in the tree represents an assignment of jobs {J1,…,Jk}. A vertex at level k in the tree represents an assignment of jobs {J1,…,Jk}.
Optimizer Design – cont. Cost function f(x) = g(x) + h(x) ; f(x) = g(x) + h(x) ; g(x) : actual cost for the current allocation. g(x) : actual cost for the current allocation. h(x) : load contribution on the busiest machine of the next job to be allocated. h(x) : load contribution on the busiest machine of the next job to be allocated. g(x) = ∑(Wj+Cj) for all j allocated to the busiest machine. g(x) = ∑(Wj+Cj) for all j allocated to the busiest machine. h(x) = min(Wi, Ci), i = next job to be allocated. h(x) = min(Wi, Ci), i = next job to be allocated.
Optimizer Design – cont.
Class Diagram Class Diagram Class Diagram Class Diagram
Other documents Formal Requirement Specification Formal Requirement Specification Spin Spin Test Plan Test Plan Formal Technical Inspection Formal Technical Inspection
Demonstration Demonstration of the GUI prototype Demonstration of the GUI prototype
THE END. Questions Questions Comments Comments Suggestions Suggestions