eGovernment Services in Poland Today & in The Future Dariusz Bogucki Ph.D, IDA II, National Co-ordinator National Registers Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Brussels, IX 2002 Conference on Pan-European eGovernment Services for Citizens & Enterprises
Presentation plan Background - National IT implementation and development strategy; eGovernment in Poland Today - eGovernment services awareness in Poland; eGovernment in Poland in the Future; Polish view on pan-European eServices: Identification problem - crucial for establishing reliable and secure eGovernment solutions for Europe.
Background: IT Implementation and Development Strategy l : Change of Law on Central Administration Sections (fundamental): the new Section “Information Technology” was established l Minister of Science and Information Technology start to work, responsible for: –IT infrastructure, networks and systems in administration; –Establishing of IT standards in administration; –Supervisory and supporting of IT project in public central and local administration; –Education and vocation on IT Technology (standards); –Development of Information Society in Poland; –International cooperation in IT sector, especially participation in EU programs.
eGovernment in Poland - Today (1) Average: 26% Data by
eGovernment in Poland - Today (2) l Most of offices from central & regional administration and autonomy provides services on Level 1 & 2 l The Law on Digital Signature allows services on level 3 for Polish Citizens l Necessary changes of law for achieving the level 4 services (electronic procedure in office) Level 1 Information: Information about Office in the Web Level 2 One-side Interaction: Possibility of Form Downloading from office web site Level 3 Two-side Interaction: Form filling on office web site (personalization and acces control) Level 4 Full transaction: Subject led only in electronic (with decision making and payments) Classification of eGovernment services by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Europe 2001
Communication & Distribution Channels (e-….) Services for Citizens: personal documents, income taxes, driving licences, job search, health … Services for Enterprises: buss. registration, corporate taxes, VAT, procurement, social contributions … IT Systems in Administration (integration) eServices in the Future: IT System of the State Data Resources (National IT Registers) European Citizens European Enterprises
eServices in the Future: Integrated Personal Document (IPD) l Introducing of „intelligent” smartcard instead of classical plastic ID Card: –IPD will be „PKI ready” identification tool; –Integration in “ID smartcard” other documents: drivers license, social security card, health card... –An unique identification of Polish citizens - with reference to data from PESEL System Database. l Today: –Necessary changes of law (in preparation) –MoIAA Personalization Authority is ready to start production of IPD (200 mln EUR on PA Modernization);
eServices in the Future: The reference role of PESEL Register (1) l The National Registers will play a role of “trusted third part” in identification process: For physical persons - PESEL (National Evidence of Citizens) l PESEL is regulated by Law: –State responsibility for data quality and security; –Presumption of data correctness in the Register; –Detailed procedure of data registration (in communes); –Public system - access limited (Personal Data Protection); –An unique identifier for each person (PESEL Number); –Registration of foreigners spending on the territory Polish Republic longer than 2 months
eServices in the Future: The reference role of PESEL Register (2) l PESEL is led in the form of central database containing information about: –Births and deaths of persons; –Changes of the civil status, citizenship, surnames and names, and other changes of personal data (i.e of the sex) –The residence of persons on the Polish territory - l PESEL system is working since 1975: –About 50 mln of records (5 mln records of death persons) –0.5 mln new record per year
The Pan-European eServices Polish view l All services available for Polish citizens should be available for all EU Citizens; l Potential problems : –multilingualism - all services must be provided in form equivalent for all official languages or not ? –identification - how to identify uniquely EU Citizen or EU Enterprise in the web? »Polish services are based on specific solution Public Reference Registers for Enterprises and Physical Persons »No identification = potential open gate for pathologies »No identification = limited functionality (eGov Level 2 ?)
The Pan-European eServices pan-European Identification (1) l Identification of person in the case of ONE State eServices is internal problem; l THERE IS EU problem if we think about eServices on Level 3 or 4 for EU Citizens! l Trusted third part (The Reference Register of EU Ciitizens) is a solution of the problem eGovernment Service in State A Electronic Form (from State A) Electronic Form (from State A) OK ! Electronic Form (from State B) Electronic Form (from State B) OK !? ! ! Trusted third part Reference Register Trusted third part Reference Register
The Pan-European eServices pan-European Identification (2) l Is Reference Register of personal data EU Citizens, a solution for eGovernment services in Europe? –What are profits and losses? –Register of citizens is „democratic” or „police” tool? l What Polish experiences for developing of Reference Register for EU Citizens may be useful?
Reference Register of personal data: pro et contra l Pro: –one coherent, reliable and secure source of personal data for all EU countries; –A method for elimination of Web pathologies: »identity “legalized” with stolen ID card; »identity of death person; »multiple identity; –ONE “Id number” for access to all services in Europe; l Contra: –There is no European standard for collection and validation of identification data of physical persons; –An unique identification of physical persons is politically delicate; –Law: responsibility for data quality, security and errors - Who? What for? –The ONE procedure of data actualization in all Europe is necessary!!
Reference Register of personal data: democratic or police state tool? l “Democratic” register: –Register and his functions are regulated by law and are known: –Register plays a role of third trusted part in personal identification –Register is public (but with controlled access) and known data range; –State is fully financially responsible for data quality and safety (and errors in register) l “Police” register: –Register and his functions are not regulated by democratic law and are secret –Register is used for identification (investigation) of persons –Register is secret with secret data range –State in „not responsible” for data stored in register
Reference Register of personal data: Polish experiences l Necessary legal regulations in areas of: –Presumption of data correctness; –Responsibility for : »Errors in data stored in Reference Register; »Data security and Personal Data Protection; –Homogenous (pan-European) rules of: »Data collection & actualization; »Validation of data with Reference Register; »Data distribution (as a reference to other systems); l One data model for all Europe: –One system or a number of systems?