XML implementation Martin Boerma Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority - NL Seoul – June 8th 2011
Content Implementation UN-CEFACT standard Reference data Mapping plant health data Challenges Conclusions
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Implementation UN-CEFACT standard Plant Health certificate Import regulation ISPM 12 Guidelines of importcountry UN-CEFACT standard XML-schema Code-lists
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data Plant Health certificate (i.e. European Union) Import regulation
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data Plant Health certificate (i.e. European Union) Import regulation
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data Plant Health certificate (i.e. European Union) Import regulation - guideline
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data Plant Health certificate (i.e. European Union) ISPM 12 PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATES
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data UN-CEFACT standard Internet address:
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data UN-CEFACT dash board (confluence) Internet address: UNCEFACT_ECERT_ImplementationGuide_Draftv1 0 GUIDE.doc - PhytoSanitary E-cert XMLDatamap v4 GUIDE.xls - Sanitary Certificate E-cert XML Data Mapping v7 GUIDE.xls
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Reference data UN-CEFACT instruction - PhytoSanitary E-cert XMLDatamap v4 GUIDE.xls
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Start: Example: details of a consignment Guide: PhytoSanitary E-cert XMLDatamap v4 GUIDE.xls Schema: SPSCertificate_4p0.xsd Result: XML Difficult to complete XML due to a lot of new information elements
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Second start: Example: details of a plant health certificate Guide: PhytoSanitary E-cert XMLDatamap v4 GUIDE.xls Schema: SPSCertificate_4p0.xsd Result: XML Only elements which were mentioned on plant health certificate were included.
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Example
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Example: consignee
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Example: point of entry
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Example: name of product
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Mapping plant health data Example: treatment
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Challenges XML in respect to UN-CEFACT Standard Well formed Valid XML-elements Deletion of unused items does not effect validation to standard Mandatory code-list should be used Paper documents XML Template Create a paper Plant Health document (i.e. re-export needs a official copy of XML)
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Challenges Paper documents XML Template Official copy in paper format
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Conclusions Use Plant Health certificate for mapping information Differ between validation of UN-CEFACT Standard ISPM 12 standard Document control (Plant Health regulation import country) UN-CEFACT Standard is there to support certification like the paper Plant Health certificate Fall back option official paper copy (use of IPPC-template) Emergency Re-export
IPPC WG E-certification - XML NL | Jun 8th 2011 Thank you