By Mary Anna Ledden
Overview/Table of Contents: Mission and Vision Demographic Information Policies & Procedures Structure Governance Funding Relationship to Other Agencies Strengths & Challenges My Role Questions? Update
Faith Farm
Mission and Vision Incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in It is a NJ licensed Drug & Alcohol Facility ( ) Mission: To provide high quality physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual help to drug addicts (men age 18 and older) in the state of New Jersey with special emphasis on Salem and Cumberland counties. Vision: Our priority today, is enhancing recovery services that meet (or even exceed) the requirements of the State of NJ and provide the desperately needed services in NJ with special focus on the high demand, but non-existent, long term addiction treatment in Salem and Cumberland counties.
Demographic Information Located in Salem County, NJ Land area (square miles) Population - 66,083 Median household income - $52,858 Persons below poverty level – 10.2% Unemployment rate – 10.5% High School Graduates – 85.7%
Drug & Alcohol Statistics – Salem County Primary Drug – alcohol 32%, heroin (other opiates 25%, cocaine 13%, marijuana 27%, other drugs 2% Female 30%, Male 70% Majority received outpatient care 27%, intensive IOP 35%, short-term residential 15%, long-term residential 3% Faith Farm is the only long-term 9 month residential adult male program in Salem/Cumberland counties
Policies & Procedures (P & P) General Policy and Procedure Manual - Admissions Application, review of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), completion of the BioPsychoSocial Assessment, and review of the Spirituality and JCAHO Supplement. Human Resources – hiring, background check, orientation, confidentiality, etc. Volunteer Manual – application, background check, confidentiality, etc. Medical P & P – med administration, etc. Discharge P & P – referral services, meeting directories, life in the community
Structure Board of Trustees – decision makers Executive Director – Operational Manager; reports to Board Medical Director – live-in RN Senior Director of Clinical Services – counseling services Financial Development Manager Office Manager – A/R, A/P, office duties Consultants and volunteer staff
Governance Board of Trustees Executive Director – non voting member Staff Professional Consultants Volunteers
Funding Past - Fee for Service DMHAS Grants, Work First SAI FFS, donations and partnerships Present – Donations, partnerships, payment from client’s families
Relationship to Other Agencies Strong relationship to area faith-based organizations Partnership with Salem County Board of Social Services, DYFS IDRC – Intoxicated Driver Resource Center Program, Workforce NJ Substance-Abuse Initiative (SAI) Relationship with County Jails, Probations, Drug Courts, lawyers Food Bank, local farmers, pharmaceutical companies
Strengths Together with the message of God’s love and forgiveness, Faith Farm provides drug treatment services based on the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step program and prepares clients to return to society as empowered, productive members Medical and Counseling Services Beautiful building and grounds to service 41 male clients
Challenges Lack of funding and FT staff Need for experienced drug & alcohol staff Start-up money Need for facility improvements Marketing strategy Return of State funding Secure individual & corporate contributions
My Role - Objectives To learn about drug and alcohol abuse, addiction and recovery. To learn of previous funding sources and current operations and programming at Faith Farm. To determine the needs of the program. To increase funding for Faith Farm. To improve the public relations campaign at Faith Farm.
Drug & Alcohol Statistics 1-in-2 adults and 2-in-3 teens in NJ who seek treatment can’t get it. 3-in-4 New Jerseyans know someone with an alcohol or drug problem. 1-in-5 New Jerseyans has a family member with an alcohol or drug problem. Treatment admissions have declined by nearly 15,000 over the last 10 years. Untreated addiction costs America $400 billion per year. - ncaddnj
Update 10/4/11 – “Faith Farm will temporarily discontinue the provision of substance abuse services effective 10/10/11. During the temporary interruption in the provision of services, all staff positions will be eliminated and current clients will be relocated to appropriate facilities to ensure continuity of care.” Faith Farm will continue to operate a soup kitchen, food bank and referral service for those in need.
References National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – New Jersey. (2009). Access to treatment. New Jersey Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment. (2009, May). Substance abuse overview 2008 salem county. view/Salem.pdf US Census Bureau. (2010). Salem county quick facts from the us census bureau.