Catalyzing the Social investment Market in Portugal: sharing a two-year journey Filipe Santos, President of Portugal Social Innovation Plenary meeting of the Social Impact Investment Taskforce London, July 9th 2015
: MIES - Mapping Social Innovation in Portugal 134 social innovation initiatives with high-potential impact
Sept 2013: Build-up of the Portuguese social investment ecosystem entrepreneurial catalyst Portuguese Social Investment Taskforce Public Wholesaler market builder Pilot projects: first SIB
Where to start? Research Notes (knowledge and awareness) Documents available at
First SIB in Portugal in Jan15: instrumental in fostering conversation Social investment build-up needs quick wins for momentum and buy-in from decision-makers. What next: Pilot projects to show it is real
In the meanwhile - process of stakeholder engagement to define agenda: July 2014 – June 2015: Portuguese Social Investment Taskforce convenes 21 key players (i.e. Bank of Portugal, Financial Services Authority, key banks and foundations). 5 recommendations and actions plans for development of social investment market
Portugal Inovação Social (Portugal Social Innovation) Wholesaler fund (FIS) of 95M euros (EU structural funds ) Ex-ante evaluation undergoing. Bids for retail funds in 4-6 months Co-financing investments in high impact initiatives (diferent instruments) Assymetric sharing of risk and return Recycling of public funds after 2020 to ensure perpetuity of FIS FIS Loan Retail Fund (Banks) Impact Investment Funds (Quasi-equity) High impact initiatives
Portugal Social innovation: Ecosystem Building Platform 2- Venture Philanthropy co-financing (20M) 1- Capacity-Building for Social Investment (15M) 3- Social Impact Bonds payer (20M) 4- Fund for Social Innovation (95M) DEMAND BUILDING CONSOLIDATION OF INNOVATIONS
Parceiro dedicado à promoção da inovação social Celebration and momentum building: June 25th-26th 2015
Vision for 2020: The Impact Economy