“European Exploration of the Americas”
European Countries had 3 main goals during the Age of Exploration Do you know what they were??
GOLD, GOD, and GLORY 1.To spread Christianity beyond Europe 2. To expand their empires 3. To become rich
The Northwest Passage While Spain was taking control of the Americas, other European countries ( such as Italy and France) were looking for the Northwest Passage, or a westward route to Asia.
European countries wanted to find a water route through North America, so they would no longer have to sail around the southern tip of Africa.
Negative Effects of Exploration 1-Destruction of Ancient Empires (more on this in a minute) 2-Many natives died due to new diseases to which they had no immunity! 3-Development of MERCANTILISM!!!!
Mercantilism Everybody must say it 3 times!! This is one way the colonies helped European nations grow rich….. Here’s How: 1. The Colonies provided raw materials (cotton, lumber, etc.) as well as mines that produced gold and silver to the European counties 2. Europe turned the raw materials into finished goods 3. Europe sold the finished goods back to the colonies for much more than they bought them for!!
More on Mercantilism…..(YEA!!) Example: Colony produces raw materials- costs $30 Colony sells raw materials to England- make $50 What is the total profit for the colony? ____ England buys the raw materials- cost $50 England’s production of raw materials into finished goods (turn cotton into cloth)- cost $40 England sells the finished goods to the colonies- make $100 What is the total profit for England? ______
PROBLEM: How much money does the colony have? How much money do the finished goods cost? The colony does not have enough money, so they must pay England in raw materials to make up for it!!! The goal: England wants a favorable balance of trade. That means they want to export (sell goods) more than they import (bring in goods).
Connect to today…… Think about your family budget. What do you think would happen if your family collected less money than it paid for goods for several years?
Why do you think the great Aztec and Inca empires fell to such small groups of Spanish conquistadors? AztecsIncas
Answer: ( there are 3 major reasons) 1. The spread of European diseases 2. The Spanish were excellent soldiers. They had superior weapons (like guns) 3. Spain made alliances with Native Americans who were enemies of the Aztecs and the Incas.
The Columbian Exchange- movement of living things between the Eastern hemisphere (Europe, Africa, Asia) and the Western hemisphere (the Americas) Also see page 62 in text
Negative effect of the Columbian Exchange: The transfer of germs from Europe to the Americas These germs caused diseases such as: smallpox, measles, and influenza. Native Americans had no immunity to them. More than 20 million Native Americans died from European diseases.
Positive effects of the Columbian Exchange Effects on the Americas: The Spanish brought plants and animals to the Americas like cattle, pigs, horses, grapes, onions, and wheat. (All of these things thrived in the Western hemisphere.) Effects on the Eastern hemisphere: American crops became part of their diet. Potatoes and corn had the greatest impact; they fed populations that might have otherwise gone hungry. The Columbian exchange brought the world closer together.
Tensions start to build… Tensions start to build between : -England -Spain -France * The tensions stemmed from religious conflicts in Europe. These conflicts led to fighting in the Americas!!
Spain and England Clash…. Problem: Queen Elizabeth I (a Protestant) came to the English throne. Spain, which was Catholic plotted to remove this Protestant queen. * Elizabeth fought to defend England!! Queen Elizabeth I
Spain and England Clash.. ENGLAND - Navy was not as powerful - Had speedy ships with skillful sailors, known as sea dogs. The most famous sea dog was Francis Drake. Drake raided Spanish ships and stole great amounts of treasure. SPAIN - Believed to have the most powerful navy in the world -Sailed bulky, slow moving ships -The attacks of Drake enraged the King, so he sent the Spanish Armada to conquer England (130 ships)
The Result: 1.England defeated the Spanish Armada and remained independent and Protestant 2. The world saw that Spain could be defeated (Spain was never as powerful as it was before this event) The defeat of the Spanish