BCEN 3510 Course Syllabus
Course Description A review of the theory and processes involved in oral and written business communication, with emphasis on the general functions of business communication and composing effective business letters (3 credit hours).
Course Objectives 1. Understand the communication process including barriers to effective communication. 2. Write effective business communications including letters, memos, reports, and s. Plan, organize, and edit documents for correctness in grammar, punctuation, spelling, style, format, etc. Ensure that documents meet the “C-qualities” for effective communication—that they’re clear, complete, correct, concise, courteous, concrete, and cohesive Be aware of the impact that document appearance has on the receiver.
Course Objectives 3. Learn and apply basic skills needed for effective job search, application, and follow-up. 4. Understand the scope and use of technology in business communication. 5. Create and give an oral presentation. 6. Understand challenges associated with multicultural and global communication. 7. Understand the importance of making ethical and legal communication decisions. 8. Understand the importance of nonverbal communication and listening.
Required Textbook Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, 2 nd ed. by Peter Cardon McGraw Hill, 2016 (ISBN )
Homework Assignments Announced in class Due before midnight on the next class date (D2L) or at the beginning of the next class period (in-class) Late assignments NOT accepted Letters, Memorandums, s, Reports, Resumes, and End-of-chapter Exercises
Make-Up, Extra Credit, and Bonus Opportunity to submit up to three (3) missed assignments and/or revised documents Two opportunities for extra credit 10 points each (on raw score) Attendance Bonus based on number of absences 0-2 absence = 10 bonus points OR 3-4 absences = 5 bonus points
Quizzes and Exams Quizzes. Unannounced grammar, punctuation, and usage quizzes (taken from Appendix A) will be given throughout the semester to encourage attendance. The quizzes cannot be made up. Exams. Exams will include mainly multiple choice items with some true/false, short answer, error correction, and writing. Please bring a 50-item scantron for each exam.
Grading CategoryNumberPointsPolicy Assignments (Homework and In-Class Activities) 10+/-50 each Submitted to D2L or in class by deadline; no late submissions but will allow submission of three missed or revised documents at the end of the semester Exams3100 each Can be made up (excused absence or 20% penalty) Quizzes eachCannot be made up; one freebie Grading Scale: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=Below 60%