MS 305 Recitation 11 Output Analysis I
Half Width 2 We enforce an upper bound on error h, satisfying the following inequality: When the above probability is equal to (1 - α), h is called as half-width. In our analyses, we make use of the fact that the statistic below follows a t-distribution: The half width can be computed by plugging T into the equation below.
Half Width 3 Then, the formula for half-width is given by: Keep in mind that the t-distribution assumption is only valid when the outputs are independent, identically distributed, and follows a normal distribution. i.i.d. assumption is justified by ARENA since we are choosing initialize statistics and initialize system. Normality assumption is justified using the Central Limit Theorem. Half-width =
Number of Replications 4
5 Once the approximate number of replications is obtained, you should re-run the model in order to check whether the desired half-width is obtained. Example: Suppose that the initial number of replication is 10 and it leads to an initial s² value, Using this we compute n, We re-run the model, If the calculated half-width is less than or equal to h (the specified value), we are done, Otherwise we take the recent s² as our initial guess and reuse the approximation to recalculate the new value of n…
Number of Replications 6 A reasonable strategy to specify an upper bound on half width (h) would be to use a proportion of the sample mean. i.e. where γ denotes the percentage of deviation from sample mean When the formula of half-width is given, you should know how to approximate the number of replications. In other words, the approximation formulas will not be given in the exam since they are intuitive and can be obtained by simply manipulating the half-width formula.
Exercise In exercise 5.03, about how many replications would be required to bring the half-width of a 95% confidence interval for the expected average cycle time for both trimmers down to one minute? Start with 10 replications.
Exercise We run the simulation with 10 replications and obtain the half-width associated with the 95% confidence interval. Important: α=0.05 is the default value used in the half-width computation of Arena. The half-widths for the expected average cycle time for primary and secondary trimmer are 2.11, and 14.77, respectively. To reduce the half-widths to 1, we work with worst (14.77) and compute the approximate number of required replications (using the second approximation for sample size) as (10)x(14.77/1)²= Rounding up to the nearest integer gives 2182 replications.
Confidence Interval 9 Using the results on half width, we can construct a 100(1-α)% confidence interval on mean as below: where
Statistical Comparison of Outputs 10 In output analysis, we are often concerned with the comparison of outcomes obtained from different sources. Examples for these sources could be: Two simulation models that could represent the current system and a modified version of the same system, Data from the real life, and data from the simulation model. To prove the validity of the model. More specifically, we want to decide whether these two outcomes are significantly different in terms of the specified mean performance measure.
Statistical Comparison of Outputs 11 Such a comparison can be made by performing the following hypothesis test: where μ 1 and μ 2 denote the mean of the random outcome from data source 1 and 2. Note: t-test is a two-sided test; both positive and negative deviations from the hypothesized value (0 in our case) matter.
Statistical Comparison of Outputs 12 In order to make such a comparison, one can utilize the confidence intervals. Let X and Y represent the random outcome obtained from source 1 and source 2, we define the following random variable:. We construct a confidence interval for d: If 0 lies inside this interval, then we cannot claim that the mean differences are significantly different from 0.
Example 13 Suppose we have gathered the following (average total time) statistics from 10 replications of Model 1 and Model 2. Test whether these two models are significantly different from each other with respect to the average total time performance measure. Carry out the hypothesis test Construct the C.I. and observe that the same conclusion is obtained due to the duality of confidence intervals and hypotheses tests. Check ttest.xlsx for calculations & result. #Model 1Model
Output Analyzer 14 Main uses: Comparing means / variances (hypothesis tests) Computing confidence intervals Plotting histograms, charts, moving averages Consider Call Center Model. Compute confidence intervals for Average number in Process Product Type 1’s Queue Average time in system Let the level of significance be 0.05.
Call Center Example 15
Call Center Example 16 Suppose that we are allowed to hire 7 new personnels. Scenario 1: Hire 3 Sales person, and 4 Tech All Scenario 2: Hire 1 Sales person, and 6 Tech All Since “0” is an element of the C.I, there is no statistical evidence that one scenario is better than the other.