Objective: To examine the horrors of trench warfare.
An aerial photograph of the opposing trenches and no-man's land in Artois, France, July 22, German trenches are at the right and bottom, British trenches are at the top left. The vertical line to the left of centre indicates the course of a pre-war road.
Trench WarfareTrench Warfare – type of fighting during World War I in which both sides dug trenches protected by mines and barbed wire Trench Warfare Cross-section of a front-line trench
British Vickers machine gun crew, western front, World War I.Vickers machine gun crewWorld War I Trench Weapons
The Ross Rifle Introduced by Sir Sam Hughes -popular hunting rifle, made in Canada -seized up when over-heated or became caked with mud -long, heavy -soldiers hated it; they preferred British Lee-Enfield rifles which they would steal at very opportunity
French soldiers firing over their own dead
Over the Top!
Soldiers digging trenches while protected against gas attacks
Gas Masks for All
'Gassed'. Painting by John Singer Sergeant, 1918/1919.
Poison Gas Deaths: CountryNon-FatalDeathsTotal British Empire180,5978,109188,706 France182,0008,000190,000 United States71,3451,46272,807 Italy55,3734,62760,000 Russia419,34056,000475,340 Germany191,0009,000200,000 Austria-Hungary97,0003,000100,000 Others9,0001, Total1,205,65591,1981,296,853
Technology Improves…
British trench, France, July 1916 (during the Battle of the Somme) Everyday Life in the Trenches
A dreary, miserable existence..
Trench Rats "The rats were huge. They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn't defend himself." "I saw some rats running from under the dead men's greatcoats, enormous rats, fat with human flesh. My heart pounded as we edged towards one of the bodies. His helmet had rolled off. The man displayed a grimacing face, stripped of flesh; the skull bare, the eyes devoured and from the yawning mouth leapt a rat." Many men killed in the trenches were buried almost where they fell. These corpses, as well as the food scraps that littered the trenches, attracted rats. Quotes from soldiers fighting in the trenches:
Officers walking through a flooded communication trench.
A photograph of a man suffering from trench foot.
Canadian Battles in WWI Ypres, the Somme, Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele
The 2nd Battle of Ypres Date: April 22, 1915 Location Ypres, Belgium Casualties: 6000 Canadians killed. 70,000 Allied casualties. 35,000 German casualties.
Technology/Hardships Chlorine gas was introduced by the Germans as a new weapon. As the gas spread and sank into the trenches, Allied soldiers were caught unprepared and many died from breathing in the toxic chemical. A Canadian recognized the gas and helped come up with a temporary solution- urinating onto a cloth and breathing through it. The Allies were able to fend off the German attack.
Importance to Canada Canadian’s first battle in the war Canadians (and Algerians) were able to hold the line despite the gas attack Canadian troops gained experience in trench warfare and gained the respect of both ally and enemy Propaganda by the allies vilified the gas while beginning to use it themselves
The Somme “The Bloodbath” Date: Began July 1, 1916 and lasted 141 days. Location: Somme River, France Casualties: Over 57,470 British (incl. Canadian) troops in one day. 20,000 dead. For all 141 days 1.24 million casualties for both sides. 24,000 Canadian casualties.
Technology/Hardships Despite heavy allied bombardment prior to the offensive, many German gun positions were still active. German barbed wire was only slightly damaged. Tanks were used for the first time. While there were extremely heavy losses, very little land was taken. Biggest disaster for the Allies. Troops from Newfoundland were nearly wiped out at Baumont Hamel (90% casualties)
Importance to Canada 90% of the Newfoundland regiment wiped out in one day Canadian troops become feared by the enemy as skilled and deadly opponents More deaths mean fewer volunteer recruits from home
Vimy Ridge Date: Easter April 9-12, 1917 Location Vimy Ridge in Arras, France Casualties: 84,000 British, 75,000 German casualties for all of Arras. 10,602 Canadians injured, 3,598 killed at Vimy.
Technology/Hardships Careful planning went into this first fully Canadian and Canadian-led offensive. General Arthur Currie built a scale model of the area, had reconnaissance of enemy positions, made sure each division knew their targets and practiced the offensive. Used a “Creeping Barrage” to great effect, as well as tunnels to the trenches and under enemy lines. This was the only significant victory for the allies in 1917.
Importance to Canada First fully Canadian battle in the war and led by a Canadian General The Canadians captured the ridge in 3 days, where the British and French had been trying for months The Canadian soldiers are called “stormtroops” by the German army and seen as an elite fighting unit who the Germans tried to avoid at all costs
Importance to Canada “Canada went up the Ridge a Colony, and came down a Nation.”
Passchendaele or the 3rd Battle of Ypres “The Battle of the Mud” Date: July-November 1917 (Canadians more heavily involved Oct 26- Nov 10) Location: Passchendaele, Belgium Casualties: “Officially” 245,000 British casualties, may be up to 400,000. Between 200, ,000 German casualties. Almost 16,000 Canadian deaths.
Technology/Hardships Between destroyed drainage systems due to shelling and the near constant rain, Passchendaele was called the “battle of the mud”. Soldiers and horses were known to drown in the mud if they stepped off the duckboards. Machinery was sucked under. The Allies only gained 7km of territory and that was taken back by the Germans shortly after.
Importance to Canada Prime Minister Rober Borden to the British Prime Minister; “Mr. Prime Minister, I want to tell you that if there is a repetition of the battle of Passchendaele, not a Canadian soldier will leave the shores of Canada as long as the Canadian people entrust the government of Canada to my hands”
Importance to Canada Despite massive loss of life and horrific conditions, Canadians were once again able to gain their objective The impression of Canadians as fierce, elite, and deadly persisted and grew
Aboriginal Soldiers 4000 Aboriginal Canadians volunteered for the Armed Forces- often as snipers Frances Pegahmagabow was the deadliest shot in the war - he gained over 400 kills between 1914 and 1918 Aboriginal veterans received less than white veterans from the government after the war Contributions of Aboriginal soldiers are not well recognized, even today
War in the Air
Canadian Air Force? There is NO Canadian Air Force during WWI Canadian Pilots flew with the RAF (Royal Air Force of Britain) 20,000 pilots, aviators, gunners, and mechanics enlisted with the RAF because life was “better” than the trenches Unfortunately, the life expectancy for a new pilot was 3 weeks
German Fokker The German plane the “Fokker” introduced a timed machine gun so the pilot could shoot The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) became a formidable enemy with the allies scrambling to catch up “Dogfights” became deadly and fast-paced, though more pilots dies because they didn’t have parachutes than being shot themselves.
Canadians In the Air Canadian pilots became known as some of the best in the world By 1918, 40% of the RAF were Canadian Billy Bishop (72 kills) and Roy Brown (Killed the Red Baron) were some of Canada’s ost well known Ace pilots (at least 5 kills)
War at Sea
Canada’s “Tin-pot” Navy In 1914 Canada had 2 warships- 1 for each coast There were a total of 350 sailors
U-Boats and the German Navy Germans were masters of the U-boat (submarines) They had 400+ during WWI (more than 1/2 are captured or sunk by the end of the war) They were small, deadly, and death-traps for the sailors on board U-boats decimated British shipping- food, war materiel, soldiers (Lusitania) The British had to come up with a method of saving their resources
Convoys and Naval Expansion The Convoy system was created in response to wolf packs - this significantly limited the shipping losses By 1918, Canada’s navy had grown to 112 warships and 5500 men 8000 other men were serving in the British Royal Navy
Halifax Explosion
Western FrontWestern Front – over 400 miles of trenches across Belgium and France · Most offenses resulted in heavy casualties but gained little territory.
Germany 1,935,000 Russia 1,700,000 France 1,368,000 Austria-Hungary 1,200,000 British Empire 942,135 (Canada 64,994/7.2 m) Ottoman Empire 725,000 Italy 680,000 Romania 300,000 United States 116,516 Bulgaria 87,495 Belgium 45,550 Serbia 45,000 Greece 23,098 Portugal 8,145 Montenegro 3,000 Japan 1,344 Military Casualties in World War I: