By: Jacob Blake The Telephone PowerPoint
People who made it happen Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone along with his assistant, Thomas Watson. Alexander began his experiments in How were they involved Remember to use visuals (photos, diagrams, etc.) – Each step of the process/slide should include at least one inventor or engineer and their contribution
Problems this invention solved. – The invention of the telephone allowed you to communicate over long distances easier. – Before the telephone was invented, communicating over long distances was done with either a letter or the telegraph. A letter could take a long time to get to the destination. A telegraph could take a long to time to translate if the message was long so these weren’t very effective ways of communication.
Brainstorm – By June of 1875 they, Alexander and Watson, with financial backing from Bell’s father-in-law, had proven that they could create a device that would transmit speech electrically. They planned that they would build. – By June 1875 the goal of creating a device that would transmit speech electrically was about to be realized. They had proven that different tones would vary the strength of an electric current in a wire. To achieve success they therefore needed only to build a working transmitter with a membrane capable of varying electronic currents and a receiver that would reproduce these variations in audible frequencies.
Design – Alexander Bell and Watson were both involved in this step of the design process. – According to the famous story, the first fully intelligible telephone call occurred on March 6, 1876, when Bell, in one room, called to his assistant in another room. "Come here, Watson, I want you." – Later on, after the telephone was marketed and being sold, Elisha Gray and Thomas Edison both upgraded the telephone with their own inventions. Gray made the water microphone and Edison made the carbon microphone. – Later, the Bell Telephone Company became AT&T and grew to become the largest telephone company in the world.
Building, Testing, and Evaluating – Though Watson and Bell successfully spoke to each other while in different rooms, they were still a long way from the finish. – On June 2, 1875, Bell discovered he could hear sound over a wire. The sound was that of a twanging clock spring. Bell's greatest success was achieved on March 10, 1876, marking the birth of the telephone and the death of the multiple telegraph. The communications potential contained in his demonstration of being able to "talk with electricity" was far easier and faster than anything the capability of a dot-and-dash system could imply. – By June 1875 the goal of creating a device that would transmit speech electrically was about to be realized. To achieve success they only needed to build a transmitter (that worked) with a membrane that was capable of varying electronic currents and a receiver (the earpiece) that would reproduce these variations in audible frequencies. – Later, call bells, ring tones, amplification, wireless phones, and batteries were invented to make the telephone better.
Marketing and Selling – Who was involved in this step of the design process – When where they involved – Who was involved in this step – When where they involved – What was their contribution – How did things develop – Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…
Bibliography 1" - What problem has the telephone solved." WikiAnswers- The Q&A wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Dec < 2"Invention of the telephone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec < 3"Telephone Timeline- Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century." Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec Bellis, Mary. "The History of the Telephone." Inventors. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec