Alexander Bell created one of the greatest achievements of all time….. THE TELEPHONE! Alexander was born March 3 rd, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Died August 2, 1992, because of complications with diabetes. Alexander went to the University of Edinburgh and the University College London. Alexander, in his life, worked as an inventor, scientist, engineer, a professor in Boston University, and a teacher for the deaf. He married Mable Hubbard in 1887, and they had four children. 2 sons that died as infants, and 2 daughters. Alexander’s parent were Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds Bell. To go into the specific types of engineers Graham was, he was a manufacturing and electrical engineer. An electrical engineer deals with all types of systems and things that use electricity, to build the phone, Graham had to be able to work with electricity. A manufacturing engineer is some one who manages machinery. After Graham made his company it eventually grew into At&t.
– The problem is that Morse Code uses a dot and dash system, so whenever you wanted to say something to someone, for each letter you used you would have a series of dots and dashes for one letter. To type out one sentence took time, and for paragraphs and other different things, it was very difficult and annoying to try and tell someone something. – Alexander Graham bell wanted a better solution, something that would allow two people to talk to each other at the same time. – Alexander had always been interested in art, music, poetry, and nature, because of his mother. Alexander's mom had been gradually getting deaf since she was 12, so he came up with and invention that would allow him to speak in clear tones so his mother could hear him better. – Alexander was always very curious and liked solving problems, and making other peoples lives better. That’s exactly what he did when creating the telephone, he thought of the problem with Morse Code, and wanted to fix it. – The problem was in other steps of the designing process, like when thinking of the problem, he is also thinking of the solution at the same time, so that would be brainstorming.
In 1887, Alexander Graham Bell wrote, “The telephone may be briefly described as an electrical contrivance for reproducing in distant places the tones and articulations of a speaker’s voice, it is conceivable that cables of telephone wires could be laid underground, or suspended overhead, communicating by branch wires with private dwellings, country houses, shops, manufactories, etc.” o Alexander himself called his idea a little utopian, or different, but ended up still going and perusing his idea to make a wonderful invention. And to sum-up the sentence above by Alexander, all he is saying is that the telephone might be able to share one’s voice to other people while talking to each other at the same time. And to make that happen, there would either be cables underground, or be on telephone poles above the ground. (To tell that he IS brainstorming, and hasn't invented the telephone already, if you look at the first couple of letters it says the telephone MAY be briefly described, not, the telephone is described as.) – When brainstorming, Alexander had to think of the problem, Morse Code, and how to make it better. A time that gave him ideas to start inventing things with sound and voice was when his father took him and his brothers to see a type of automaton, or a self operating machine. The automaton was able to speak a few words in a human voice. Alexander was amazed with the automaton, and when he got home him and one of his older brothers, Melville, started building an automaton head. There father was also very interested, and offered to pay for any parts they wanted. In the end of their building, they had a automaton that was able to recognizable say the word, “Mama”, by them positioning the lips, then a burst of air coming threw the, "throat”. That just kind of tells a little about one of the reasons why Alexander would come up with an invention so different in his time. – The problem step was a big part in this because, Alexander found the problem and wanted to solve it with a solution he had to think of. Brainstorming will also end up going into the design step because, you should have some sort of idea or plan for things to actually go in a neat and organized way.
– In 1874 Graham had hit a big achievement in his study. He had been studying a phonautograph. Which is a pen like machine that can trace things on a smoked glass by vibrations. So Graham got the idea that he might be able to generate electrical currents that correspond to sound waves. He also thought that multiple metal reeds tuned to different sound frequencies like a harp, would be able to convert the currents into sound. On 1874 Graham met Thomas A. Watson, who was an experienced electrical designer and the mechanic at an electrical machine shop that belonged to Charles Williams. After getting help from Sanders and Hubbard, he had enough money to hire Thomas. Then they both began working on the acoustic telegraph. On June 2 nd, 1875, Watson plucked one of the reeds and Bell, at the hearing one of the wire, heard the over tones of the reed. The overtones were necessary for transmitting speech. So that told Graham that he only needed on read, not multiple. Which led to the sound powered telephone, which was able to transmit indistinct, voice like sounds. This goes with the brainstorm because, when he started thinking of trying to make hearing better, he thought of the phone.
This process really goes into the design because, when building, it came as an accident. I think that they were really lucky, because while they were testing, and just kind of messing around with there creation, they actually ended up figuring out one of there biggest problems. After finding out how to actually make sound, they of course kept redesigning until it was ready to get a patent and share the solution!
On February 14, 1876, Graham’s attorney filed for a patent. On the exact same day, Elisha Gray filed for a patent for his telephone. The U.S. patent office ended up giving it to Graham on March 7 th. He did demonstrations of the first sentence( also an accident-.-),“Watson, come here; I want you.” at the American Academy of arts and Sciences convention in Boston. Then gained more publicity at the Philadelphia Cebtennial Exposition.
– Graham created the Bell company, and in 1884, the company built the first long distance line from Boston, to New York. By 1889 there were 11,000 miles of underground wires in New York City. The Volta Laboratory was started by Graham in D.C., with France awarding the Volta about $10,000 for his invention. Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil in 1891 ordered one hundred telephones for his country. The telephone, which had been given only eighteen words in the official catalog. The Share Solutions was definitely one that intertwined with this because, to be able to sell it, you have to share it.