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Tier II Activities
Key Information Tier II activities are optional. You must demonstrate that all Tier I activities are being implemented before you can fund Tier II activities. Tier I activities can be funded by any resource. The CDC restricts OA to spending no more than 25% of our budget on Tier II activities.
Optional Activities Hepatitis C Testing Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, TB & STD Screening Behavioral Interventions for High-Risk Negative People Social Marketing, Media & Mobilization Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) planning and/or delivery
Hepatitis C Testing Hepatitis C testing can continue as it does now. Can be done even if all Tier I activities are not initiated.
Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, TB & STD Screening LHJs may consider planning, coordination and/or expanding clinical services so that HIV, Hepatitis, TB and/or STD screening may be offered together.
Behavioral Interventions for High-Risk Negative People The national strategy, CDC PS and OA recognize the continual need to target high-risk people. Behavioral interventions with PLW- HIV/AIDS also benefits negative people. Ongoing need to raise the quality and effectiveness of behavioral interventions.
Behavioral Interventions for High-Risk Negative People In calendar year 2010, OA funded LHJ’s, excluding SF and LA, served: Risk Population% in HE/RR % in C&T CA Living HIV/AIDS Cases 12/31/2010 MSM19.5%20.9%65.0% IDU21.7%7.4%8.3% MSM/IDU1.3%0.7%7.9% High-Risk Heterosexuals21.1%28.3%9.3% Other or non-targeted36.4%42.7%8.4%
Behavioral Interventions for High-Risk Negative People The 2008 National Behavioral Health Survey recently shared findings on MSM that included: High rates of unprotected anal sex, prevalent alcohol and non-injection drug use, lack of participation in behavior change programs/interventions, unknown HIV status of sex partners (37%), and low rates of recent HIV (62%) and syphilis (35%) testing.
Behavioral Interventions for High-Risk Negative People Interventions must be evidence-based. Locally developed interventions will require submission of a curriculum for each session of the intervention, defined goals for the intervention and the evaluation tools used with the intervention.
Social Marketing, Media & Mobilization You can use existing social marketing campaigns and educational materials to supplement your Tier I activities (e.g. PWP, Partner Services, HIV testing, etc.) Messages of social marketing campaign should be focused on: Benefits of early detection of HIV infection Need for routine and regular HIV health care Benefits of ART for health of people living with HIV Role of suppressed viral load in reducing HIV transmission Benefits of integrated screening for HIV, TB, STDs & Hepatitis Value of initial and ongoing partner services Information about Community Viral Load Emerging messages from CDC or OA
Social Marketing, Media & Mobilization Designing and developing a full social marketing/media campaign would be a Tier II activity. Given limited resources, use of existing social marketing campaigns rather than developing new ones is preferred. Designing and developing educational videos, pamphlets, brochures and posters based on local needs to promote HIV awareness, ending HIV stigma, and/or encouraging HIV risk-reduction to targeted populations and communities.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) planning and/or delivery Must be part of comprehensive PrEP program Funds may be used for planning, assessment, educational/promotional materials and personnel Funds may not be used for medical care reimbursement or purchase of medications
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) planning and/or delivery MSM is only population approved for PrEP prevention programs Must be in agreement with CDC’s Interim Guidance: PrEP for Prevention of HIV among MSM OAPREP.aspx OAPREP.aspx OA will monitor CDC’s guidance for expansion to other populations
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One More Webinar! December 8 – Putting it all Together
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