Who’s a…. Physical Scientist? OBJ/Goal: Physical Science Field of Study and Careers TOD/IN: Draw a picture of what you think a Physical scientist to look like?
4 Scientist? What leads you to believe that this man may be a scientist?
5 Scientist? Eddie Murphy as The Nutty Professor
6 Scientist? Sponge Bob Square Pants Burger Flipper
7 Scientist? Stephen Hillenburg Marine Biologist Sponge Bob’s Creator
So???? Who’s an.. Physical Scientist?
Archimedes- Inventor
11 Scientist? Physics: Engineer for Boeing-designing fighter jets Bill Nye The Science Guy: Television show that combines science and FUN! "Leave the world better than you found it. Sometimes you gotta pick up somebody else's trash."
Michio Kaku- Astrophysicist
13 Scientist? Anna McGowan A scientist at NASA She leads a research group that is developing material to allow airplane wings to repair themselves
14 Scientist? Stephen Hawking Motor neurone disease Uses a motorized wheelchair, and a computerized speech- synthesizer Developed several theories about the nature and origins of our universe
15 Scientist? Ellen Ochoa Astronaut – First Hispanic-American Woman in Space
16 Scientist? Albert Einstein Asperger’s Syndrome (a type of autism) Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein - Physicist
Bulbul Chakraborty- Physicist
Chemist- Marie Curie
Electrical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
What about you??? What type of scientist would you be? Chemistry Astronomy Inventor Climate Scientist Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Astronaut