Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports Airport Compliance Airports Conference Mahendra Raghubeer, Compliance Program Mgr March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Overview Federal Obligations Inspection & Maintenance Program New Airport Compliance Manual Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Federal Obligations Sources of obligations include: –Acceptance of Federal grant funds –Instruments of approved property transfers Impose federal maintenance obligations Advisory Circulars Sponsors accepting Federal grants agree to preserve and maintain facility in safe and serviceable condition and comply with certain conditions and assurances Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December AIP Grant Assurances Duration depends on –Type of recipient –Useful life of facility being developed –Special conditions stipulated in the grant offer Note: the sponsor cannot discontinue maintenance of its facilities until the FAA formally relieves you of the federal maintenance obligations. What facilities should the airport sponsor maintain? –All airport facilities shown on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) dedicated to aviation use. Federal Obligations Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Satisfactory Compliance is achieved with Grant Assurance #19, Operation and Maintenance when the sponsor: Maintain the airport facilities in a safe and serviceable condition. Adopts and implement an effective self-inspection and maintenance program. Make available: –Equipment –Personnel –Funds –Other resources Sponsor Compliance Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Procedure –Create a self-inspection & maintenance program – 150/ C –Conduct scheduled and periodic inspection –Special inspection –Carefully check each element –Potential problem areas are identified –Corrective measures are recommended –Corrective actions expeditiously implemented Inspection & Maintenance Program Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Recordkeeping Document all inspections and maintenance performed –Findings –Locations of findings –Probable cause –Remedial actions –Results of follow up inspection and maintenance –Potential problem areas –Materials and equipment used Inspection & Maintenance Program Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December –Pavement –Airfield Lighting, Signage & Marking –Approach protection –Inclement weather condition –Wildlife Hazards –Windsock –Adequate access control –Airport Drainage –Notification Areas that should be Inspected & Maintained Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Pavement Maintenance –Requirement – Pavement preventive maintenance program required by Assurance 11. –Guidance – AC 150/5380-6B, Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements. General –Note: Pavement failures maybe directly attributed to inadequate maintenance. –Maintenance program could prevent disastrous failure and progressive deterioration. –Avoid postponement of minor repairs. –High Priority – aircraft movement area. Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Pavement Maintenance (1) Pavement edges shall not exceed a certain height. (2) Pavement shall have no hole. (3) Pavement must be free of cracks and surface variations that could impair directional control of air carrier aircraft, including any pavement crack or surface deterioration that produces loose aggregate. (4) Mud, dirt, sand, loose aggregate, debris, foreign objects, rubber deposits, and other contaminants shall be removed promptly and as completely as practicable. (5) Chemicals used to clean any pavement area shall be removed as soon as possible. (6) Pavement shall be sufficiently drained to prevent ponding that obscures markings or impairs safe aircraft operations. Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Pavement Maintenance Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Airfield Lighting, Signage & Marking During the inspection of the movement area, self inspection personnel should be on the lookout for improperly maintained, non-standard and potentially confusing marking, lighting or signs. 12 Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Airfield Lighting, Signage & Marking 13 Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Approach protection The airport sponsor must protect terminal airspace, and prevent growth or establishment of obstructions in the aerial approaches to the airport. Obstruction must be cleared, removed, lower, relocated, marked, or lighted Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Inclement weather condition The Sponsor is responsible for: –Providing a safe and usable facility. –Removing snow and ice from pavement. –Removing berms adjacent to pavement edge. –Ensuring that no lighting, signs and markings are obscured. Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Inclement weather condition Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Wildlife Hazards – pose a serious public safety problem Wildlife attractant: –Poorly drained locations –Detention/retention ponds –Roosting habitats on buildings –Landscaping, Agriculture, Wetlands FAA Recommends: –Airports Serving Piston Powered Aircraft 5,000’ between AOA and Hazardous wildlife attractant –Airports Serving Turbine-Powered Aircraft 10,000’ between AOA and Hazardous wildlife attractant –Protection of Approach, Departure, and Circling Airspace 5 SM between AOA and Hazardous wildlife attractant Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Wildlife Hazards Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Wildlife Control Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Windsock Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Adequate access control TSA – instituted guidelines for GA Airports –Federally endorsed security enhancements –Method for determining when and where enhancements may be appropriate. Inspect & Maintain Install Security Fencing Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Adequate access control Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Airport Drainage – inadequate drainage could result in: –Pavement Failure –Electrical Failure –Aircraft Hydroplaning Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Notification Publish NOTAM for any conditions that render the airport unsafe: –Runway closure due to Inclement weather condition (snow) Special events Maintenance –Out of service Navigational equipment Mandatory signage –Unavailable taxiways –Unavailable services –Personnel and equipment in RSA Inspect & Maintain Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December New Airport Compliance Manual FAA Order B – September 2009 One-stop shop for compliance guidance, policy, and source documentation Establishes policies/procedures for FAA personnel to carry out responsibilities to ensure airport compliance For use by FAA personnel, airport sponsors, aeronautical users, and other interested parties Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December New Airport Compliance Manual Incorporates new laws/policies since 1989 (i.e. rates and charges, airport revenue use, land use inspections, Part 16) Organized –Grant Assurances topics –Contains 23 Chapters with 28 Items in Appendices –Appendix is “e-based” (searchable for on-line users) –Includes instructional materials for new employees On FAA web site at: ers/compliance_5190_6 / Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010
Federal Aviation Administration Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances December Questions? Airport Inspection & Maintenance at General Aviation Airports March 3, 2010