Presented by ESC 7 Advanced Academic Services
Click on Set up new account and follow the directions. Return to this page to log in and register for the course. Contact ESC 7 if you encounter any difficulties.
Log in by entering Username and Password. Click LOGIN. Contact ESC 7 if you encounter any difficulties.
Upon log in you will be taken to “My Learning Portfolio.” Type in the Region 13 Course number and click the Search icon.
Check to see that the course number and title are correct. Then click Register Now.
Verify Personal Data check to see that all is correct Click Next Confirm Workshops Click Finalize
Registration will be complete. If you do not reach this page then you have skipped a step along the way. Please try again or call ESC 7 for assistance.
Click on My Learning Portfolio in the left block. Click on Current Workshop List. Find the workshop for which you registered and click Launch.
You will be taken to the course Introduction Section You can skip this section, but… You may need to conduct the Browser Check if your computer is having difficulty downloading content Refer to the Communication Tools Tutorial for help within the course
You may begin with Session 1: Course Overview Here are the goals of this course and the key terms We will not follow the Activity Checklist
Region 13 changed the procedure for responses within their courses, but did not change the written directions within the course itself. (Frustrating!) We will not use the Conference feature. We will use the Assignments feature.
Session 1 Topic 1: Introductions Practice using the Conference tool to introduce yourself to the group on the discussion board. Click "post reply" and introduce yourself to the group. (Ignore these directions) Directions should read: Introduce yourself to the group using the Assignment Feature in Course Tools. * Tell us in what district/campus and what grade level you teach. * What are you interested in learning from this workshop?
Scroll to the top of the page. Click Course Tools. Click Assignments. These are the only written assignments to be turned in for this course.
The Assignments can also be found in the left block at the end of each Session.
Click on the Assignment. Enter your response here.
Be sure to click Save As New. Responses will be graded by a facilitator. Acceptable responses will be approved. Not acceptable responses will be returned. It is the participant’s responsibility to check and revise returned assignments. Feel free to contact the facilitator.
Acceptable Solid understanding of the content ideas Appropriate reference to content in course Some personal connections with the discussion topic content. Serious misunderstandings of the content addressed in the topic Little or no reference to course content. Short or irrelevant responses No personal connections or insight with topic content Not Acceptable
Acceptable Responded to most discussion topics and participant interactions in a timely manner throughout the course time period Waited until the very end to complete discussion topics Not Acceptable
This is an example of an optional activity within the course. It does not have to be turned in.
Visit each page (green check indicates you have visited the page) Visit and read all links. Take the test after finishing the course. If you follow these directions you will spend about 6 hours online. Participants who complete all assignments but spend 3 hours or less online will only receive 3 hours of credit.
Required activities include: Assignments (approved by facilitator) Visit each page (look for a green check) Visit each link and read content Log in at least 6 hours online Completed by the deadline The system records time spent online with the above activities. Scoring at least 70% on the test. Take the test when you have finished the course. The timing system stops once the test is taken.