Country Presentation (Nepal) on National Information Exchange Process Country Presentation (Nepal) on National Information Exchange Process Information Exchange IPP Training Workshop for the Asia Region Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-6 May, Dhruba Raj Bhatta Plant Protection Officer Nepal
1. List of Point of Entry with Restrictions: Altogether 9 points of entry are functioning. Out of them 7 land border checkpoints are in the southern side bordering India and 1 check point in northern side bordering China (Tibet) 1 is at Trivuwan International Airport, Kathmandu. 2 additional points of entry are being opened in the Chinese border & 4 points of entry in Indian border. Phytosanitary certificates & import permit are issued through these entry points. Plant Quarantine Officer is designated to every entry point.
Points of Entry :
2. Information on NPPO : The Plant Protection Directorate under Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Department of Agriculture has been recognized as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) for official contact point in Nepal.
NPPO : Functions : International Coordination Phytosanitary Certification for exporting plants & plant products. Surveillance of standing crops, forest plants and plant products in storage & in transit for pest attack, infestation & control of pest. Inspection of plants & plant products in transit to stop the entry & spread of pests & treatment for infected lot, like fumigation (Phytosanitary action). Protect endangered area & Identify PFA & area of low pest prevalence. Regulate export, import and distribution of BCA.
NPPO : Cont… Flow information on regulated pests & their control measures. Implement Internal Quarantine Programme in the country. Notify other countries about the enforcement of phytosanitary measures in the country according to WTO's SPS measures & other international commitments. Provide the regulated pest lists to other country's NPPO, International & Regional Organizations where Nepal is a signatory country. Representation in the bilateral, Regional & International Organization & workshops, Seminar, Training & Conventions, related to Plant Protection.
Regulated Pest List : This has been prepared under FAO's TCP project started from September, Under this project, carried out the following : Phytosanitary capacity evaluation of the country Main Server with necessary networking established. Training to the concerned technical personnel.
Regulated Pest List : Cont… National Pest Status Record version 1 prepared and installed.
Regulated Pest List : Cont… Pest list prepared for 20 major crops. LentilPotatoWheatTeaLinseed GingerOnionCitrusCoffeePaddy MustardRadishMangoCardamomMaize CorianderPeaTomatoCabbageBanana
Plant Protection Legislation : Plant Protection Act, 1972 Plant Protection Regulation, 1974 Plant Protection Act, 1972 in the process of Amendment. Plant Protection Bill, 2005 Plant Protection Regulations (new) will be formulated once the Plant Protection Bill passed as act.
NPPO in Nepal : NPPO : Plant Protection Directorate Ministry of Agriculture Cooperatives/Department of Agriculture Chief : Mr. Ganesh Kumar K.C., Program Director Address : Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal Telephone : Fax :