Country gallery Indonesia
Basic socio-demographic indicators, Total population (thousands)231,627 Surface area1,919,440 sq. km Annual population growth rate1.1 per cent Population aged (thousands)129,105 Percentage of women aged per cent Percentage of population in urban areas50 per cent Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population)18.9 Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)34 Human Development Index (HDI)107/0.728 Life expectancy at birth68 Adult literacy rate91 per cent GDP per capita (PPP, $US)3,843 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$)78 (2005) Source: UN Population Division cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Indonesia, July UNDP, Human Development Report, 2007/2008
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
% of most-at-risk populations who are HIV infected, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007 HIV prevalence among IDUs is sky- rocketing and is the major cause of Indonesian epidemic
HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations in recent years Source: Ministry of Health, Sentinel Surveillance data, 2006
Trend of HIV prevalence among IDUs, Source:: CDC-EH_WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007
Trend of HIV prevalence among FSWs and IDUs within 10 years in Jakarta, Source: Ministry of Health, Sentinel Surveillance data, 2006
Trend of HIV prevalence among FSWs in Sorong district, Source:: CDC-EH_WHO, Briefing Document prepared for External Review of the Health Sector Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Indonesia, 5-17 Feb 2007
HIV prevalence among transgender, Jakarta, Source: MoH, National Estimates of Adult HIV Infection, 2002; UNAIDS/WHO Epidemiological Fact Sheets, 2006; UNAIDS,UNGASS country Report, 2005 and Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Results from the Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) in Indonesia
HIV prevalence among adults and young people 15-24, Source: 1. Indonesia_UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets, 2008 Update 2. UNAIDS_Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
Estimated number of people living with HIV, Source: 2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic, UNAIDS/WHO, July 2008
Cumulative percent of AIDS cases by age, 2007 Source: Ministry of Health, Indonesia. HIV/AIDS report, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, March 2007 update Majority of Cumulative AIDS cases were recorded In the age group yrs
Reported and projected infections in various low and high-risk populations, Source: Pandu Riono-Family Health International. Pemodelan Matematik Tren Epidemi HIV-AIDS Indonesia Sampai
Trend of HIV epidemic in Indonesia, Source: Pandu Riono-Family Health International. Pemodelan Matematik Tren Epidemi HIV-AIDS Indonesia Sampai
% of most-at-risk populations with comprehensive knowledge, 2004 vs Source: 1. UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December UNAIDS, Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006 Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition) The knowledge among FSWs and IDUs has increased whereas among MSM it is declined slightly over the time.
% of most-at-risk populations with comprehensive knowledge of HIV & AIDS, 2002 vs Source: Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia Jakarta, September FSWsClients of FSWsMSMIDU Percent (%) Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition)
% of population yrs who know about HIV prevention ways, Source: BKKBN/ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey,
Urban Rural No education Elementary education Junior secondary Senior secondary Higher secondary Residence Education of women (%) % of women yrs who know that HIV can be transmitted from an infected mother to her child, by residence and education, 2000 Source: BPS_UNICEF, End Decade Statistical Report: Data and Descriptive Analysis, 2000
% of population yrs who have heard of HIV & AIDS, Source: BKKBN/ORC Macro, Demographic and Health Survey, National average Female = 58.8 % Male = 72.8 %
% of female yrs with comprehensive knowledge of HIV & AIDS, 2003 Source: UNAIDS, Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006 Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition)
% of population yrs and yrs, with comprehensive knowledge in East Java, 2004 Source: UNICEF, Population Council - Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004 Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition)
% of population yrs and yrs, who have heard of HIV/AIDS in East Java, 2004 Source: UNICEF, Population Council - Final Report of Baseline Data Collection on Young People and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Selected Islamic Schools in East Java, 2004
Risk behaviors
% of most-at-risk populations reporting the use of a condom during recent and past commercial encounters, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
Average prices charged for commercial sex by various most-at-risk populations, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
Chain of multiple sexual partnerships and risks of HIV transmission in Jakarta & Surabaya, General population through pregnant women Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of IDUs reporting the use of a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of IDUs reporting commercial sex during the past 12 months, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of IDUs who have used condoms and avoided sharing injecting equipment, <25 yrs.>25 yrs.All Percent (%) Female Male All Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of IDUs reporting the use of sterile equipment the last time they injected, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of IDUs who used their own needles/syringe, by contact with NGO, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of IDUs by safe injecting behavior, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of FSWs and MSWs reporting the use of a condom during sex with most recent client, 2004 Vs Source:1. Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of FSWs and MSWs reporting the use of a condom during sex with most recent client, 2002 and 2004 UNAIDS recommendation Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of MSM reporting unprotected sex with different partners, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
Source:1. Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007 % of men reporting the use of a condom the last time they had anal sex with a male partner, Vs Condom use among MSM has decreased significantly over time
% of men reporting the use of a condom the last time they had anal sex with a male partner, Source: 1. UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report, Indonesia, 2005 & 2. Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia Jakarta, September 2005
% of men who engaged in male-male sex in the past 12 months, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of men in high-risk occupation who paid for sex in the past 12 months, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of men in high-risk occupation reporting the use of a condom during sex, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of young people who had premarital sex during the last 12 months, The details about age groups of these young people are not given in the survey report. However, they were said to be high school students. Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
Gap between knowledge and practice among young people in Indonesia, 2002 Source: UNICEF. Regional Update of UNICED Action: HIV/AIDS, children and youth, mother and babies in East Asia and the Pacific. December 2002
National response
% of most-at-risk populations who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months and who know their results, 2005 Vs Source:1. Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) Indonesia MoH, Jakarta September 2005 Jakarta, September UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of most-at-risk population reached by HIV prevention programs, by age, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of most-at-risk population reached by HIV prevention programs, Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) result in Indonesia MoH, Jakarta, September 2005
% of women who have access to antenatal care, Yes 92% No 8% Source:: UNICEF PMTCT Report Card 2005
Number of HIV+ pregnant women who are in need of and who are receiving ART to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, 2007 Source: WHO_UNAIDS_UNICEF_Towards Universal Access – Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, % of HIV+ pregnant women are receiving ART to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV
% of HIV+ pregnant women who received antiretroviral to reduce the risk of mother to child transmission of HIV, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
Number of adults and children with advanced HIV infection receiving ART, 2007 Source: WHO_UNAIDS_UNICEF_Towards Universal Access – Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, % of total people with advanced HIV infection are receiving ART.
% of adults and children with advanced HIV infection receiving ART, Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
% of schools that provided life skills-based education in the last academic year, 2006 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Indonesia January 2006 to December 2007
Socio-economic impact
Impact of HIV & AIDS on life expectancy and crude death rate, 2005 and 2015 Source: McLeod R. The economic costs of inaction – Curbing the Asian HIV/AIDS epidemic, Draft version. Asian Development Bank/UNAIDS, February 2007 Life expectancyCrude Death Rate Recent (2007) research showed that while there was no change in both life expectancy and crude death rates in 2005 in Indonesia because of HIV/AIDS. However, there are projected changes for 2015 under the baseline scenario. Specifically, the life expectancy of Indonesians will reduce by 0.5 year and the crude death rates will increase by 0.2 per cent by 2015
% of hospital beds taken by AIDS patients over the next 20 years, 2006 Source: AusAID. Impacts of HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and East Timor. Synopsis Report of the HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Modeling and Impact Study. February 2006 In 2025, an estimated 27 percent of public medical beds will be filled with people living with HIV and AIDS.
Amount of national funds spent by government from domestic sources for AIDS Source: UNAIDS, Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
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