Sponsored by: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services April 2014 New Opportunities with SOAR: SOAR Online Course and SOAR Fundamentals Training SSI/SSDI OUTREACH, ACCESS, AND RECOVERY SAMHSA SOAR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER
Welcome Kristin Lupfer, LMSW Project Director SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance Center Policy Research Associates, Inc.
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Learning Community Call Agenda New Opportunities SOAR Online Course Local Implementation Intro to the SOAR Fundamentals training Questions & Answers
New Opportunities The SOAR online course trains individuals in the core elements of completing SSI/SSDI applications using the SOAR model and includes the completion of a sample SOAR application packet New opportunities to states and communities: Standardization of Curriculum Expansion of SOAR to New Audiences New Focus for State Team Leads SOAR Leadership Academy and SOAR Community Leaders
Successful SOAR Communities 1. Form local SOAR steering groups 2. Identify local SOAR leaders 3. Identify one or more benefits specialists to work on applications in each locality 4. Assess and refer SOAR applicants 5. Provide ongoing support for benefits specialists 6. Review applications before submission 7. Conduct refresher trainings 8. Ask SSA and DDS for feedback 9. Monitor outcomes to identify challenges and to leverage funding 10. Use the SOAR online course
In Person vs. Online Training Trainers conduct a two- day training No practice application Only a fraction of those trained ever complete an SOAR application Offers standardized training Free – available to anyone at no charge Flexible – enroll/complete at your own pace and return to any section for review Expands SOAR to new audiences and geographic areas Participants complete a practice SOAR application that is reviewed by the SOAR TA Center 16 CEUs provided by the National Association of Social Workers In Person TrainingOnline Training
SOAR Online & Your Community The SOAR Online Course allows state and local SOAR leads and trainers to: Coordinate follow-up training on state-specific processes Provide support to persons assisting with applications Ensure high quality and complete applications Track and monitor outcomes
Let’s Take A Quick Look!
Online Course Cohorts Identify staff to assist with applications Online Course Training Flyer template Participants register and complete the online course within specified timeframe Weekly follow-up s or calls SOAR local lead/trainer conducts in-person SOAR Fundamentals refresher training ~6 weeks later SOAR Fundamentals training: Reviews SOAR fundamentals Explains any state-specific SOAR processes Responds to any questions or concerns Instructs participants in how to track and report outcomes Arranges ongoing support, problem resolution & quality monitoring
SOAR Leaders Page Leaders Only Password: SOARWorks Case sensitive Leaders Tab Materials for SOAR Fundamentals trainings Trainers Tab Materials for 2-day trainings
SOAR Leaders Only
SOAR Fundamentals Training PowerPoint available on SOAR Leaders Page Approximately 6 hour training Six sections The Basics Getting Started Medical Summary Report Refresher Tracking Outcomes Special Populations Appeals Materials for participants SSA Forms SOAR Worksheets and Tools Reference materials
SOAR Fundamentals More than a refresher training Opportunity to confirm and clarify More quality time for discussion and questions Discuss local process Invite your local SSA and DDS representatives
Homework! Download the SOAR Fundamentals PowerPoint Peruse the SOAR Leaders page Enroll in the SOAR Online Course Bring your questions!
Visit the SOAR website at Or contact: SAMHSA SOAR TA Center Policy Research Associates, Inc. Delmar, NY (518) 439 – 7415 Facebook: SOARWorks For More Information