Linear Writing & Webbing
Linear Writing List of ideas List of ideas Order does NOT matter Order does NOT matter All sentences are connected back to the main idea sentence All sentences are connected back to the main idea sentence
Linear Examples Main Idea – I had a great breakfast this morning. Supporting Detail #1 – I had scrambled eggs. Supporting Detail #2 – I also had toast. Supporting Detail #3 – My bacon was really good. Supporting Detail #4 – Finally, I had orange juice.
Webbing Writing with developed ideas Writing with developed ideas Order DOES matter! Order DOES matter! All sentences are connected back to the previous sentence All sentences are connected back to the previous sentence (If the sentences are out of their original order, the story will not make sense.)
Webbed Examples Main Idea – I had a great breakfast this morning. Supporting Detail – I had scrambled eggs. Elaboration #1 – My eggs were really hot! Elaboration #2 – They even burned my tongue. Elaboration #3 – I had to gulp a drink of water.
Contrasting Linear & Webbing LinearWebbing Order does NOT matter. Order DOES matter! All sentences are connected back to the main idea sentence. All sentences are connected back to the previous sentence.
Webbing is our goal!