Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2
Our Team Mrs Bouweraerts Mrs Dyer Mr Haughton Mrs Pollock Miss Woodford Mrs Edwards Miss Brakewell Mrs Wren Mrs Hoyle Mrs Austin Mrs Bradshaw
General Information Drop children at gate from 8.40am Whistle blown at 8.50am Children in class ready to start by 8.55am If you arrive after this time please go to the school office Toast at break End of the school day is 3.20pm All school uniform, including coats, should be clearly named PE kits to be in school at all times (winter/summer)
Conduct Behaviour Expectations Rewards Sanctions Movement around school
Communication Diaries What? Why? How? Building links between home and school
VCOP / Big Write Writing on a subject with assessment based on VCOP VCOP activities pre-Big Write Relaxed and calm atmosphere
Talk Homework Introduced in Achievement Assembly on a Friday Talk homework should be done the night before or short, sharp bursts throughout the week Gives the children lots of ideas for the content of their writing
Reading 10 minutes each night Does not have to be a school reading book Please record in their Communication Diary Reading books can be changed every day We encourage independence!
Guided Reading Children work on a variety of texts Comprehension skills Phonic strategies Reading strategies
Numeracy Relate to real life experiences, e.g. money Number Shape and space Using and applying Mental maths BIG MATHS
Homework Timetable Numeracy / Grammar homework Thursday – Tuesday Phonics / Spellings (except Mrs Bouweraerts!) Wednesday – Wednesday Please support your child with their work Homework Club - Monday
Finally… We are here to help. Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions Thank you