Roberge School “Favorites” Survey Roberge Elementary School, River Vale, New Jersey By: Ms. Patti Davis - First Grade Ms. Lindsay Rado - Third Grade Mr. Daniel Beyer - Fifth Grade
What We Did We thought it would be interesting for us to share some of our student’s favorites with you. We conducted a survey in our school and asked the following questions: What is your favorite breakfast food? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite academic subject? What do you like to do in your spare time? How many siblings do you have? What is your favorite pet?
The Process The data was collected and calculated by grade level. Then, we grouped the data into two groups – K-2 – representing our Kindergarten through 2nd grade students 3-5 – representing our 3rd through 5th grade students Finally, we combined both groups to display the totals for all Roberge School students.
The Data The data was entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Then, we created pie charts to display the data as a percentage of total responses.
The Presentation We will be presenting our findings in a way to encourage your class to participate in the survey, too. Over the next several slides, this is what you can expect. On the first slide, our question along with several choices will appear. We hope that your class will take a minute to answer the question and record your results. On the next slide, our pie charts representing the K-2 and Gr. 3-5 data will be displayed. The last slide in each question’s group will display the pie chart representing our entire student body. The same process will occur for each of the six questions. Naturally, we hope that you will compare your results with ours. Are our results similar to those from your class? Are our results very different to those from your class? Let’s find out!
What is your favorite breakfast food? Pancakes/Waffles Cereal with Milk Bacon and Eggs Fruit Toast Bagel Other Pancakes/Waffles Cereal with Milk Bacon and Eggs Fruit Toast Bagel Other
Our Results
What is your favorite sport? Baseball or Softball Football Soccer Basketball Tennis Volleyball Other
Our Results
What is your favorite academic subject? Math Science Social Studies Spelling Reading/Writing c-a-t
Our Results
What do you like to do in your spare time? Computers Watch TV Play Videogames Read Play Outside Other
Our Results
How many siblings do you have? 1 2 3 4 5 More than 5
Our Results
What is your favorite pet? Dog Cat Bird Fish Hamster/Gerbil/Guinea Pig Rabbit Other
Our Results
The Analysis We hope that you will take some time to discuss the similarities and differences between our schools. We would love to hear from you regarding the results. Perhaps, you can email us your results, and we can take this project to a new level by displaying all of the information by town, state, or country! This has been a fun project to do within our school, and we hope that you enjoyed it! All pictures in this PowerPoint presentation were from Print Artist 2003 from Sierra Home.