The Future of High Energy Astrophysics group in Ondřejov 3rd INTEGRAL/ BART Workshop Nov 3, 2004
The HEA Group in Ondrejov 14 staff members (some part-time), mostly scientific, 6 PhD 3 PhD students (Majlo, Torman, Toast) 1 Diploma student (Lado) collaboration with 4 further students (Jaroslava, Miroslav, Robert, Jakub) collaboration with further Institutes in the Czech Republic, mostly Universities HEA studies started 1975, group since 1990, independent since 2004
Our approach: strong international collaboration participation in large HEA projects, especially of ESA wide participation of students and young scientists (very much welcomed by ESA and INTEGRAL community) interdisciplinarity wide collaborations in the Czech Republic
History: Group of Space Research in Solar Department Head B. Valníček Staff: 5 Space Research Department Head B. Valníček Staff: 12 "Putch" of 5 young scientists in late 1989, departement split into 2 groups, one (our group) young researchers, another group technicians, F. Fárník, B. Valníček In 1990: Staff 5: Hudec, Machacek, Starecky, Peresty, Soldan
Group of special astrophysics in Interplanetary Matter Department Staff: 5 in 1990, 2, 3 in 1992, 3, 4,... 7 Machacek left for writing physics education books, Starecky for Rise Hvezd Journal, Peresty for Mimosa management (replacement of KSC boss Novotny who left ASU immediately in late 1989) Group of High Energy Astrophysics in Interplanetary Matter Department Staff: Proposals for HEA department not accepted Group of HEA as independent group in the ASI 2004-? Staff: 14 (temporary solution) ???
HEA in the world HEA Departments/Group in > 50 astronomical establishement in the world Standard HEA courses at Universities HEA considered as important, progressive and rapidly growing part of recent astrophysics HEA in the Czech Republic supported very much by the international astronomical community - evaluation committees etc. impressive scientific output: HEA group publications nearly 30 per cent of the whole publications of the Astron. Institute (Internal Report of ASI for the year 2002) many students, diploma, PhD, but still no regular teaching still some local problems
How this is related: (examples) Analyses of supermassive BH binaries in blazars are related to astronomical plate analyses - there is no other way how to create databases of years needed for this studies LE X-ray telescopes are essential for detecting X-ray conterparts of GRBs Robotic Telescopes detect OTs and OAs of GRBs and monitors CVs and blazars Technology developments are essential for our participation in large future projects - we have to offer something new to the community etc.
HEA teams in the Czech Republic HEA Group Ondrejov 14 Auger Project Group, UHE Astrophysics, Institute of Physics, FZU AV CR Prague (PI J. Grygar) 5 UHE/Cerenkov, Prof. L. Rob, Institute of Particle Physics/Charles University Prague 1
Our main collaborators in the Czech Republic: FEL CVUT Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electronics Prague... BOOTES, Integral. Historical collaboration since before 1975 Masaryk University Brno... Integral, GRBs FJFI CVUT Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Science: Lobster Eye, X-ray optics Klet Observatory: GRB follow-up
Recent and future main projects (not complete, additions welcomed) ESA INTEGRAL focus on data analyses and generating scientific outputs Robotic Telescopes BART and BOOTES FRAM, RTS-2 application to other places, better optical tube for BART, automated data analysis, scientific outputs Other observing instruments: 18cm CCD telescope, 50 cm CCD telescope (from May 2005), recovery of 70 cm Slevogt camera (?) GRB Analyses - Plates, OTs, Orphan Afterglows, Color analyses, Theory (Magnetic Reconnection), SN Correlation, RHESSI GRB analyses,...
Blazar analyses - periods/supermassive BH binaries, very long-term analyses (required for periods), color evolution, color-color diagrams, flare fitting, INTEGRAL blazars CV analyses - INTEGRAL CVs (in CP, in AO-1,2,3), HE emission X-ray Telescopes: LE, ASM, Novel Technologies - XEUS, Glass Thermal Forming,... technologies, ray-tracing, simulations, tests, scientific justification Astronomical plates - analyses: automated analyses based on informatics methods New and clever ideas not listed here are always more than welcome!
Examples of important scientific analyses: Color analyses - color - color diagrams, color time evolution, this procedure is important for: CVs, OAs of GRBs, blazars,..... essential tool not only for physics of the sources but also for environment
Scientific analyses of astronomical archival plates
Various types of astronomical plates (digitised) automated analyses with novel algorithms - task mainly for informatics students Spectral image Direct Image Multiple exposure
Official status: internationally widely recognized: GRBs, OAs, Integral, BART, BOOTES, LOBSTER, X-ray Optics very positive evaluation by 2 international evaluation committees Astronomical Institute Ondrejov: HEA group has strange status (not department) in the structure of AI Ondrejov, efforts to achieve the same level as other fields at the AI still not succesfull
Robotic Systems and GRBs dedicated to detect prompt optical emission...require prompt data lack of such data at moment hope for Swift data precisely localized GRBs/year Need for automated data reduction/photometry!!!!!
Participation on space experiments ESA INTEGRAL Lobster Eye X-ray telescope ESA XEUS
Long Term ISS Utilisation
Lobster-Eye X-ray Telescopes Novel X-ray telescopes High-sensitive wide field X-ray sky monitoring Detection of X-ray brightenings of blazars/AGNs Long-term X-ray monitoring X-ray transients, X-ray novae, and flares First prototypes constructed and tested recently Very wide FOV, full sky coverage possible
LE All Sky Monitor - Proposal Modular concept Design for ISS Easy modification for EXIST or other satellites
Most important future tasks (my personal point of view): evaluation of INTEGRAL data, with focus on CVs, blazars, GRBs automated evaluation of CCD images: BART, etc. - photometry, light curves the same for digitised astronomical archival plates future space experiments XEUS, LOBSTER,...
... and future of our workshops: 4. INTEGRAL/BART Workshop October/November 2005 celebrating (hopefully) 3rd anniversary of INTEGRAL launch location: ??? Suggestion of 1.5 day seminar at the Jindřichův Hradec Observatory (home of Torman-Jan Štrobl) probably winter/spring 2005
Thanks to everybody attending our workshop for those not here but supporting us by s, sms- Majlo, Cyril, Miroslav new colleagues: welcome onboard! thanks to LOC (Mates&Toast&FilipII) thanks to Ford for driving and... very important.... top level coffee breaks etc..... thanks for all the discussions, frendship and for being together in such a pleasant way to the staff of this house Mrs. and Mr. Kiš
The End