WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 現在進行式 動詞 +ing We are sitting on the ground.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 現在進行式 動詞 +ing We are sitting on the ground.

AGENDA 課程內容 PART A Grammar Introduction: Present continuous tense p.3-7 現在進行式文法介紹 PART B Game & Review: Tony’s adventure in school p.8-29 互動遊戲 Tony上學去 (老師可以利用簡報中的問題遊戲,加強小朋友對現在進 行式之熟悉程度) PART C Grammar Review p.30

lunch.eat eating I am 現在簡單式(S.+V.+O.) 現在進行式(S.+beV.+V.-ing+O.) lunch everyday.eatI 現在簡單式描述 “ 每天, 習慣 ” 性動作 現在進行式則描述 “ 現在正在進行 ” 的動作

I am cleaning. I clean. clean I 還記得百變蟲 be 動詞的變化嗎 ? I am You are He/She/It is We/You/They are

You are jumping. You jump. jump You

She 第 3 人稱單數為主詞, 簡單式動詞要結尾要加 s 喔! She sings. He walks. Mary teaches.

They are running. They run. runThey 動詞若結尾前為短母音 (a,e,i,o,u) 動詞結尾重複一次再加 ing 喔! They run.=> They are running.

Game & Review Tony’s Adventure to School Tony 是學校的小一新生,今天是開學第一天上學, 你能幫緊張的 Tony 克服學校裡遇到的小挑戰嗎 !? Tony is a 1 ST grade new student in your school. Today is Tony’s very first day in school, and he is really nervous! Please help Tony get through all the challenges he meets.

06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00 Press

Monday morning comes; Tony is so excited about going to school! He wakes up and his mom asks him… Mom: Good morning, Tony. What should you do after getting up? photo via flickr, cc license Tony: Brush my teeth.

What is Tony doing now? A) Tony eats cakes everyday. B) Tony is brushing his teeth. C) Tony are watch TV. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Tony is brushing his teeth now. CORRECT! 下一關 Next Challenge Let’s say it again!

06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00 Press

Photo hamburger via flickr, c.c. license Photo chinese omelet via flickr, c.c. license Photo steamed bun via flickr, c.c. license Chinese Omelet Hamburger Steamed Buns Toast Tony is eating toast. Let’s say it! Dad is eating a hamburger. Let’s say it! I am eating a Chinese omelet. Let’s say it! You are eating steamed buns. Let’s say it! It’s breakfast time! What is Tony eating now?

CORRECT! 下一關 Next Challenge Tony is eating a steamed bun. Let’s say it again!

06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00 Press

It’s the class! Tony’s teacher is going to ask them what the classmates are doing now. Can you help Tony answer the questions?

What is he doing now? A) He is playing the piano. B) He is reading a book. C) He is going to school.

What are they doing now? They are ridingan elephant. are am rideing riding ? ?

What is she doing now? She is cleaning the dining area. are is cleans cleaning ? ?

GREAT! 下一關 Next Challenge They are sitting in the classroom. Let’s say it together!

06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00 Press

12 : 00 It’s 12 o’clock! Tony is having lunch with the class. Which photo is it? Hint: Which is “They are eating lunch”?

GREAT! 下一關 Next Challenge She is eating lunch. Let’s say it together!

06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00 Press

Tony is going home now… Can you tell him how he is going home? Photo via flickr, c.c. license

Tony is going home by car Photo via flickr, c.c. license

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully helped Tony! Great job! NOW… 06 : 0007 : 0009 : 0012 : 0017 : 00

REVIEW I You He/She/It We/You/ They are is are am eating. laughing. jumping. reading. running. jogging. swimming. write->writing. 主詞 Be-動詞主要動詞現在進行式 動詞直接加ing 短母音 重複結尾再加ing 動詞為e結尾 去掉e再加ing

This slides are for non-commercial educational activities, some of the pictures are downloaded from opened online space which were cc license for use. If any content is violating your copyright, please let us know ASAP. The slides are co-created and co-edited by Chienting Yao, Linda Ireton, Tammy Lu and Teresa Lu in WenFeng elementary school. Any sharing, public showing and editing is not allowed except for educational purposes.