1 Promote the Earned Income Credit And Child Tax Credit Date: Presentation by: Organization: Phone:
2 What are the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC)? Federal tax benefits for low-income working families and individuals Purpose: Offset income and payroll taxes Supplement wages Provide a work incentive Key Features: Reduces taxes workers may owe Even if workers don’t owe taxes, they may be eligible Some families can claim both credits
3 Medical Expenses TransportationRent & Utilities Basic Needs Child Care Auto Repairs The credits help workers keep working and care for themselves and their children. How do Workers Use the Credits?
Why is Outreach Needed? 4 75 – 80% Claim EIC % Do Not Claim EIC EIC Eligible Workers
5 Why is Outreach Needed? Nationally, over $10 billion in EIC refunds mayhave gone unclaimed in 2012 Efforts are needed to ensure eligible workers know how to claim the EIC and other tax credits.
Impact of the EIC and CTC 6
7 Did You Know…? As much as a 45% pay increase $8/hour job $10+/hour job The Earned Income Credit (EIC) Boosts Workers’ Income
Did You Know…? 8 The EIC & CTC Lift More than 9 Million Above the Poverty Line 2011
9 How Much Can Workers Earn and Still Qualify for the EIC? Income limits for married workers are $5,340 higher than these amounts. Workers not raising children must be between the ages of 25 and 64. Investment income cannot exceed $3,300. Number of children: Income less than:EIC up to: 3 or more children$46,227$6,044 2 children$43,038$5,372 1 child$37,870$3,250 No children$14,340$487 For Tax Year 2013:
10 The Federal EIC in Tax Year 2013 Workers with 3 or More Children
The Federal EIC in Tax Year 2013
12 EIC Benefits for Tax Year 2013 at Various Income Levels 2013 household income EIC for single workers not raising a child EIC for single workers raising one child EIC for single workers raising two children EIC for single workers raising three or more children $ 5,000$383$1,700$2,000 $2,250 $ 8,000$485$2,720$3,200 $3,600 $10,000$332$3,250$4,000 $4,500 $12,000$179$3,250$4,800 $5,400 $14,000$26$3,250$5,372 $6,044 $16,000$0$3,250$5,372 $6,044 $20,000$0$2,856$4,852 $5,523
EIC Impact on Annual Wages $8.00/ hour job + EIC = $10/hour job Annually: $16,000 + EIC = $19, Single worker raising one child:
The Child Tax Credit 14
How Does the CTC Work? 1.Reduces or eliminates any income tax owed or withheld. 2.Workers may get any remaining CTC as an additional refund also referred to as the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). 15
16 How Much Can Workers Earn and Qualify for the CTC? Workers who earned more than $3,000 in 2013 can get a CTC refund. Income less than:Filing status: $110,000Married $75,000Single or Head of Household $55,000Married filing separately The CTC is worth up to $1,000 for each qualifying child.
How do the Credits Work? 17
18 What Counts as Earned Income? Includes: Wages, salaries, and tips Net earnings from self- employment Union strike benefits Employer-paid disability benefits Military combat pay Doesn’t Include: Non-taxable earned income Payroll deductions for dependent care or retirement plans Public benefits Social security, SSI, welfare Other income, such as: Unemployment Alimony and child support Interest on bank accounts Investment income
19 The EIC and ACTC are “Refundable” Tax Credits What does this mean?
Most Tax Credits are “Non-refundable” They simply reduce or eliminate the income tax you owe. For Example: $1,000 - $400 = $ Non-refundable Tax CreditIncome Taxes OwedRemaining Tax Credit
How is a “Refundable” Credit Worth More? $1,000 - $400 = $ Refundable Tax CreditIncome Taxes OwedRemaining Tax Credit
22 Meet Maxine She earns $19,000 this year. $225 in income tax has been withheld. Her total tax refund is $4,015! Maxine is a single mom raising a 6-year old son. How is this possible?
23 Maxine’s Tax Refund EIC $ 3,015 CTC + $ 1,000 Total Tax Benefit $ 4,015
24 How do We Get the CTC Amount? √ It first reduces or eliminates any income tax owed Then, workers may get any remaining CTC as an additional refund For the Additional CTC, a family can get whichever is LESS: A. The amount of the CTC that remains after income tax is eliminated, OR B. 15% of the family’s taxable earned income over $3,000 Calculate the CTC:
25 How Does That Work for Maxine? √ A.Remaining CTC after income tax is eliminated: $1,000 - $225= $775 OR B. 15% of Maxine’s earned income over $3,000: $19,000 - $3,000 = $16,000 and $16,000 x 15% = $2,400 The Additional CTC is the lesser of A and B. In this case, Maxine’s Additional CTC is $775.
26 Maxine’s Tax Refund √ EIC $ 3,015 CTC ($1,000) Return of income taxes withheld $ 225 Additional CTC + $ 775 Total Tax Benefit $ 4,015
27 How Do You Claim the Credits? You must file a tax return! Form 1040 or Form 1040A – not 1040EZ EIC - Schedule EIC CTC – Schedule 8812 – for CTC Workers not raising children can file any form Eligible workers can claim EIC and CTC refunds for up to 3 previous years
28 EIC and CTC Rules — What are the Differences?
29 Who Qualifies for the EIC and CTC? Workers who are: Working full-time, part-time or self-employed Also receiving public benefits Single or married Raising a “qualifying child” Some very low-income workers without a “qualifying child” may be able to claim the EIC Immigrants legally authorized to work CTC ONLY: Immigrant workers with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) Some non-custodial parents
Types of Families Who Claim the EIC & CTC Married and unmarried parents Step-parents Grandparents, great-grandparents Grandparent with child and grandchild Aunt or uncle Older brother or sister Step-brother or step-sister Half-brother or half-sister Foster and adoptive parents 30
31 Definition of a “Qualifying Child” If you are a qualifying child, you cannot claim the EIC yourself. If a child is claimed for both the EIC and CTC, the same worker must claim both credits. EICCTC Relationship Son, daughter, grandchild, stepchild, adopted child, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister (or their descendants) or foster child placed by a government or private agency Residence Must live with worker in the U.S. for more than half the year Age Under 19 or 24 if full-time student or any age if totally and permanently disabled Under 17
32 Filing for Free
33 When it’s time to file a tax return, many workers seek help from a commercial tax preparer. Average fees range from $85 - $120 for e-filing. The High Cost of Commercial Tax Preparation EIC Claimants
34 What are RALs & RACs? Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs) Very high-interest loans Interest rate can be > 180 percent; processing fee can be $80 or more No guarantee refund will equal the loan amount Refund Anticipation Checks (RACs) Replacing usage of RALs Temporary bank account established to receive refund and issue as a check No faster than direct deposit
35 Are There Alternatives to RALs and Commercial Tax Preparation? Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Free tax filing help for low-income workers at community sites. IRS Toll-free Locator: In many communities across the country Volunteers are trained under IRS guidance Taxpayers can receive refund in 7-12 days through e-filing VITA and TCE sites are listed at (key word search “site list”)
36 What is Needed to Improve VITA? Recruit community volunteers to be trained by IRS Enlist community groups to host additional and more accessible sites Increase sites offering assistance in languages other than English Establish more sites that can provide e-filing (IRS will provide software!)
37 Special Rules & Eligibility for Specific Groups
38 What if There is a Temporary Absence From the Home? √ If a worker or child is away from home temporarily due to a special circumstance, it is considered as time lived at home. Examples include time away due to: Illness School attendance Detention in a juvenile facility Business Vacation Military service Separation in a disaster
Standard rule for resolving duplicate claims: Parents have priority An eligible parent always has priority to claim the credits over another eligible worker. An eligible parent can allow another eligible worker to claim his or her child if the other worker has a higher income. 39 What if Two Workers Claim the Same Child? √
Unmarried parents Choose who claims a child, OR IRS decides between two claims, based on: Length of residency with child during year or Highest AGI if residency is the same for each parent Two or More Eligible relatives If an eligible parent does not claim, the relative with the highest AGI may claim the child, if that is higher than any eligible parent’s income If no parent can claim the child, the relative with the highest AGI is eligible 40 Tiebreaker rules for resolving duplicate claims: What if Two Workers Claim the Same Child? √
41 Can Immigrant Workers Claim the Tax Credits? √ To claim the EIC and CTC: Must meet the income requirements Child must live with the worker in the U.S. for more than half the year EIC ONLY: Worker, spouse and child must each have an SSN that authorizes work CTC ONLY: Worker, spouse and child must have either an SSN or ITIN
42 Are There Special Rules for Native Americans? √ Same eligibility requirements Generally, Native Americans pay federal income tax on earnings. Exception: Income exempt from federal income tax because of a specific treaty, agreement or Act of Congress For example, tribes in Oregon and Washington have fishing rights established by treaties with the U.S., so income from fishing by tribal members is exempt from federal income tax.
43 What About Members of the Military? √ Same eligibility requirements Military service = temporary absence Combat pay is considered non-taxable earned income: For CTC — combat pay counts towards income eligibility For EIC — can choose to count combat pay if it is advantageous
44 What about Non-custodial Parents? √ Non-custodial parent exception for CTC: If permitted to claim a child as a dependent as part of a divorce or separation agreement, can claim the child for the CTC. Must attach IRS Form 8332, “Release/ Revocation of Release of Claim to Exemption for Child by Custodial Parent,” to tax return. Form requires the custodial parent’s signature
What about Married Workers Who Want to File Separate Tax Returns? √ To claim the EIC, married workers must file a joint tax return. One exception: A separated parent can claim the EIC without filing a joint tax return with the other parent if: 1)The parents have lived apart for the last six months of the year. 2)The child lived with one of the parents for more than half of the year. 3)That parent paid more than half the cost of maintaining the household for the year and is eligible to claim the child as a qualifying child. Under these circumstances, the parent living with the child is considered unmarried for tax purposes and can file as “head of household” and may claim the EIC. 45
46 Other Important Tax Benefits
American Opportunity Tax Credit √ Expands & renames Hope Credit Worth up to $2,500 40% of the credit — up to $1,000 — can be claimed even if no income tax is owed Can be claimed for first 4 years of college 47
48 Child and Dependent Care Credit √ Federal tax credit for expenses to care for a child or a dependent with disabilities in order to work. Reduces income tax – not a refundable credit Maximum expenses: $3,000 for one child, $6,000 for two or more Credit amount: % of expenses – depending on income 28 states also have a credit: in 13 states the credit is refundable
49 New Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit Federal tax credit for the uninsured -- pays a share of health insurance premiums, for coverage in 2014 Advance Credit - paid monthly in 2014 by IRS to private insurance plan chosen by consumer through Marketplace agency in state Consumer may have a monthly premium contribution Advance credit will be reconciled with income shown on 2014 tax return Most who are now uninsured must get coverage, or pay a penalty to IRS Those with existing coverage aren’t required to change Several exemptions from penalty: incl. low income, insurance choices are unaffordable, hardship, ineligible immigrants, Native Americans
Who Qualifies for the New Credit? Who qualifies for the credit: Families and individuals with income between 100%-400% of poverty line Must enroll between Oct. 1, 2013 – Mar. 31, 2014 How much do people pay? Consumer premiums: Limited to 2%-9.5% of family income; sliding scale The premium amount can be adjusted during the year if income or family size changes and is reported to the state Marketplace 50
Income Eligibility for New Credit Determined Using 2013 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) 51 Household size 100%133%200%250%400% 1 $11,490$15,282$22,980$28,725$45,960 2$15,510$20,628$31,020$38,775$62,040 3$19,530$25,975$39,060$48,825$78,120 4$23,550$31,322$47,100$58,875$94,200 5$27,570$36,668$55,140$68,925$110,280 The FPL is calculated every year by HHS Some individuals between 100% - 133% qualify for expanded Medicaid, if their state expanded coverage
Health Insurance Premium Credit Example Monica is a single parent earning $30,000 working for a small business that does not provide health insurance. She is raising two children over age 18. Monica enrolls with her state marketplace and chooses a mid-range “benchmark” insurance plan. The total annual premium = $6,850. No way she can pay that! 52
How Monica Gets Coverage But Monica’s expected contribution is no more than 4.2% of her income = $1,250 – about $104 per month. Her annual tax credit would be $5,600, paid by IRS to the insurance company ($6,850 “benchmark” premium minus Monica’s $1,250 contribution = $5,600 tax credit). 53
Helping Families Get Their Premium Credit Assist with Applications and Enrollment Oct. 1, Mar. 31, 2014 Recruit staff and volunteers to be trained assistors, or Provide computer access to self-enroll, or Refer clients to Marketplace and Navigators/Assistor agencies that assist clients In 2014, ask your clients if they enrolled If no: before Apr 2014, refer them to Marketplace If yes: do a “checkup”; advise them to immediately report any 2014 income & family changes to Marketplace To learn more about the Marketplace visit:
Medicaid Expansion√ The ACA expands Medicaid to 133% of poverty for adults About $15,000 for an individual or $31,000 for a family of four Most newly eligible are adults without dependent children and parents of children with state coverage The Supreme Court decision gave states the choice whether to expand Medicaid or maintain current eligibility restrictions that leave many adults without coverage 55
Some States Have Refused to Expand Medicaid √ In states that don’t expand, those with incomes under 100% of poverty who otherwise would have qualified for Medicaid will not be eligible for premium tax credits. Exception: legal immigrants who haven’t had legal status for at least 5 years wouldn’t qualify for Medicaid even in states that expand. Those legal immigrants with income less than 100% of poverty will qualify for premium tax credits 56
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities cbpp.org 57 About Half the States Are Likely to Expand Medicaid in 2014 As of May 24, 2013 √
58 Maximizing Refunds
59 Split Refunds Tax filers can use direct-deposit to split their refund into checking, savings, an IRA or purchase a savings bond. File Form 8888 with the tax return Outreach info and materials:
Tax Refunds and Wealth-Building Opportunities Promote the EIC and CTC with asset development programs: Bank Accounts Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) Car Ownership Programs Homeownership Programs Investment Clubs Connect taxpayers to financial resources: Financial Education Classes Credit Reports and Credit Repair America Saves 60
How do the Tax Credits Affect Other Public Benefits? 61
Do the EIC & CTC Count as Income for Other Public Benefits? Current rules enacted by Congress in Dec. 2010: No federal tax refund counts as income for any program with federal funding Refunds that are saved do not count against resource limits for 12 months after the refund is received
Who is at Risk of Missing Out on Refundable Tax Benefits? 63
64 Who Might Miss Out on the EIC and CTC? Workers not required to file returns I n 2013: $20,000 for a married couple $12,750 for head of household $10,000 for a single filer Workers just entering labor force New parents Foster, adoptive Divorced or separated custodial parents Workers newly eligible due to a reduction in income or loss of employment
Tax Credits: Making a Difference 65 $13,391 $6,695
66 Reaching Out to Promote the Credits
67 Everyone Can Help Promote the Tax Credits You do NOT have to be a tax expert to help families claim their credits. Incorporate outreach activities into your routine work – and encourage your partners to do the same.
68 Promoting the Credits Alert families about the EIC and CTC and provide the basic information they need: Eligibility information How to find tax forms VITA site locations Help getting an SSN or ITIN Inform families
69 Promoting the Credits Nonprofit health and human services providers Community organizations and institutions Faith-based groups Civic/service organizations Labor unions State and local government agencies (esp. public benefits) Employers and local businesses Utility companies Media IRS Build partnerships to connect with eligible workers:
70 Tax Credit Outreach Coalitions Promote the EIC and CTC and provide free tax preparation services. Represent a partnership of a variety of organizations — social service agencies, financial institutions, government agencies, faith-based organizations and the IRS. Join our coalition: Add name, contact info and website here.
Outreach Partnership in Action: The Denver Asset Building Coalition √ Denver Asset Building Coalition Purpose Provide free tax preparation and connect workers to financial education and asset building opportunities to help them become economically stable. Background Established in 2003 as a nonprofit Offerings: VITA – 13 sites Employer Partnership Program Financial workshops Outreach Approach Diverse Partnerships: government, businesses, social service agencies, housing authorities, financial & educational institutions and nonprofits. Expanding Services: multi-lingual tax preparation, outreach in Spanish communities and Virtual VITA. Media: Printed materials, radio interviews, press releases and newspaper articles. 2013 Outreach Results 13 sites filed 2,700 tax returns generating more than $3.5 million in federal refunds including $1.5 million in EIC refunds. 71
72 Building a Tax Credit Outreach Campaign Spectrum of Outreach Approaches Distribute tax credit info and direct workers to free tax filing sites Conduct outreach events and create opportunities to file returns Get in position to enrich and sustain outreach efforts in the future Engage others in reaching out through their own networks Expand and improve free tax filing sites
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ National Tax Credit Outreach Campaign Can: Provide Tax Credit Outreach Kits Arrange a conference call or webinar to help organizations develop an outreach strategy Connect you to online resources: EIC/CTC flyers in 21 languages EIC Estimator Searchable Outreach Strategies Database Sample Press Release EIC & CTC FAQs and much more! 73
What’s Next? How will you contribute to tax credit outreach efforts? 74
Staying Connected After your community training, it is important to follow- up with participants so you can establish a collaborative tax credit outreach effort Follow-up Opportunities: s In-person meetings Conference calls Webinars Follow-up Purpose: Keep people engaged Learn what participants do as a result of attending your community training Identify opportunities to collaborate and collectively explore how to reach EIC and CTC eligible workers 75