Presented by: Richard Boyer Partner, ModernThink LLC 2015 Campus Climate Survey September 21, 2015
Survey Overview Survey Instrument 60 core belief statements 25 additional statements 17 item benefits satisfaction component 12 demographic questions 3 open-ended questions Methodology 2015 Online survey administered March 28 – April 17, 2015 Response Rate (All Faculty & Staff): 20%...142/725 Response Rate (Full-time Staff & Faculty): 22%...136/625 Benchmarks 2013 Metro State Campus Climate Survey Data 2015 Honor Roll – Large Benchmarks
Survey Definitions Institution refers to the entire University or College Senior Leadership refers to the senior members of the institution (i.e. President, Vice Presidents, Deputy Provost, Associate Vice Presidents, Deans and those that report directly to the President). Department refers to your most immediate workgroup or team. Supervisor/Department Chair refers to the individual to whom you most directly report.
Strongly Agree Agree Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 25.2%32.1%22.9%13.7%6.1% 19.8%22.9%57.3% Responses Expressed as Percentages Guideline Scores Descriptors Negative Responses Positive Responses 20% = Yellow Flag57% = Fair 59. This institution’s culture is special – something you don’t find just anywhere.
Guidelines for Positive Responses Guideline ScoreDescription 75%+Exceptional 65% - 74%Good – Very Good 55% - 64%Fair 45% - 54%Yellow Flag < 45%Red Flag Response Scale: Strongly Agree; Agree; Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; Not Applicable Positive Response - Strongly Agree & Agree
Guidelines for Negative Responses Guideline ScoreDescription < 10%Excellent – Very Good 10% - 14% Fair - Good 15% - 19%Yellow Flag 20% - 29%Red Flag 30%+Acute Response Scale: Strongly Agree; Agree; Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; Not Applicable Negative Response - Strongly Disagree & Disagree
Overall average across all 85 statements: 2015 – 55% Positive, 20% Negative 2013 – 54% Positive, 19% Negative In 2015 there were 10 statements that showed improvement of 5 percentage points or more (combined increase in positive response and decrease in negative response). In 2015 there were 24 statements that regressed 5 percentage points or more (combined decrease in positive response and increase in negative response). At a glance…
Actions Taken Strategic Planning Committee used survey information to guide the development and the recent refresh of MSU Denver’s Strategic Plan Began “Lunches with the Provost” to listen to and meet with faculty Hired University Ombuds Officer Equal pay Study Development of the Bullying Policy Continued efforts to diversify the workforce Systemic practice of inclusive excellence (i.e. Equity & Excellence Committee, HSI Task Force) Implemented cultural competence training for all supervisors Revised Administrative Evaluation process to incorporate 360°feedback Streamlined hiring process by converting all positions to PeopleAdmin
Overarching Themes The commitment to the mission, the impact on students, the positive influence in the community and the commitment to diversity are particular points of pride for faculty and staff. For many, there is a strong sense of camaraderie, especially at the department/work group level. Faculty and staff continue to report good rapport with for their supervisors and their immediate colleagues. Faculty and staff report progress regarding having the necessary resources/support to be effective and efforts to strengthen performance evaluation processes. Administration, faculty and staff all express a need for continued focus on improved communications especially as it relates to greater transparency, more inclusive processes and improved cross- functional communication.
Faculty and staff appreciate the additional clarity of the strategic plan however, the pace and number of changes over the recent past has been challenging for many. There remain concerns regarding fairness, specifically related to consistent/equitable treatment, civility, performance management and compensation. While there are mechanisms/processes in place to facilitate shared governance (e.g. democratic governance), there remains a sense that faculty and staff aren’t sufficiently involved in decisions. Faculty and staff report varying degrees of alignment across departments…and varying degrees of skill/effectiveness across different levels of leadership. Overarching Themes
Dimensions (Overall % Positive)
Key “Barometer” Statements Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 57 This institution is well run Overall, my department is a good place to work All things considered, this is a great place to work
Most Improved Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 78 I have sufficient technology and resources to do my job Our review process accurately measures my job performance The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus I can make an official complaint without having to worry about losing my job or harming my career This institution’s benefits meet my needs
Most Improved Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 10 I understand the necessary requirements to advance my career People of different sexual orientations are treated equally at this institution Senior leadership provides a clear direction for this institution’s future Faculty are appropriately involved in decisions related to the education program (e.g., curriculum development, evaluation) This institution’s policies and practices give me the flexibility to manage my work and personal life
Job Satisfaction Supervisor/Department Chair Pride Diversity & Community Strengths by Theme
Job Satisfaction Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 1 My job makes good use of my skills and abilities I am given the responsibility and freedom to do my job I understand how my job contributes to this institution’s mission I have sufficient technology and resources to do my job
Supervisor/Department Chair Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 24 I have a good relationship with my supervisor/department chair My supervisor/department chair makes his/her expectations clear My supervisor/department chair regularly models this institution’s values I believe what I am told by my supervisor/department chair
Pride Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 36 I am proud to be part of this institution This institution actively contributes to the community This institution's culture is special - something you don't find just anywhere Overall, my department is a good place to work All things considered, this is a great place to work
Diversity & Community Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 45 At this institution, people are supportive of their colleagues regardless of their heritage or background This institution places sufficient emphasis on having diverse faculty, administration and staff This institution has clear and effective procedures for dealing with discrimination This institution makes a genuine effort to involve a diverse group of faculty/staff on college initiatives Overall, I am satisfied with the institution’s efforts to support and encourage the valuing of differences
Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 66 People of different genders are treated equally at this institution People of different races/ethnicities are treated equally at this institution People of different sexual orientations are treated equally at this institution People of different abilities are treated equally at this institution People of different religious beliefs are treated equally at this institution Diversity & Community
Largest Decline Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 30 Our orientation program prepares new faculty, administration and staff to be effective My supervisor/department chair makes his/her expectations clear I receive feedback from my supervisor/department chair that helps me The role of staff in shared governance is clearly stated and encouraged I am given the responsibility and freedom to do my job
Largest Decline Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 57 This institution is well run The role of faculty in shared governance is clearly stated and publicized My supervisor/department chair regularly models this institution's values My supervisor/department chair is consistent and fair Overall, my department is a good place to work
Opportunities by Theme Resources Communication & Collaboration Shared Governance Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance Recognition & Appreciation Accountability Senior Leadership
Resources Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 4 I am provided the resources I need to be effective in my job The facilities (e.g., classrooms, offices, laboratories) adequately meet my needs I have sufficient technology and resources to do my job My department has adequate faculty/staff to achieve our goals In my department, we make good use of our resources, time and budget
Communication Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 8 When I offer a new idea, I believe it will be fully considered In my department, we communicate openly about issues that impact each other’s work We have opportunities to contribute to important decisions in my department I can speak up or challenge a traditional way of doing something without fear of harming my career In my department, we address conflicts effectively when they arise
Communication Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 22 Changes that affect me are discussed prior to being implemented At this institution, we discuss and debate issues respectfully to get better results There is regular and open communication among faculty, administration and staff
Collaboration Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 61 In my department, we address conflicts effectively when they arise I can count on people to cooperate across departments There’s a sense that we’re all on the same team at this institution Faculty, administration and staff are meaningfully involved in institutional planning Faculty, administration and staff work together to ensure the success of institution programs and initiatives
Shared Governance Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 38 The role of faculty in shared governance is clearly stated and publicized The role of staff in shared governance is clearly stated and encouraged Faculty, administration and staff work together to ensure the success of institution programs and initiatives Faculty are appropriately involved in decisions related to the education program (e.g., curriculum development, evaluation)
Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 11 I am paid fairly for my work This institution’s benefits meet my needs This institution’s policies and practices give me the flexibility to manage my work and personal life
Recognition & Appreciation Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 35 Our recognition and awards programs are meaningful to me I am regularly recognized for my contributions We celebrate significant milestones and important accomplishments at this institution
Accountability Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 44 This institution’s policies and practices ensure fair treatment for faculty, administration and staff My supervisor/department chair is consistent and fair I can make an official complaint without having to worry about losing my job or harming my career Recent changes to the organizational structure of the university improve our ability to execute the institution's mission Recent changes to the organizational structure of the university help my area be more effective
Accountability Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 17 Our review process accurately measures my job performance Our evaluation process is user-friendly and efficient Promotions in my department are based on a person’s ability Issues of low performance are addressed in my department
Bullying Statements Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 81 I have experienced bullying (i.e., the persistent use of aggressive, overbearing, or unreasonable behaviors) directed toward me by a member of the MSU Denver community I am aware of other employees at MSU Denver who have experienced bullying at work I believe that MSU Denver's policies and practices are effective at preventing bullying Faculty, administration and staff understand that bullying is not tolerated in this institution Instances of alleged bullying are taken seriously by leadership
Senior Leadership Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 32 Our senior leadership has the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for institutional success I trust senior leadership enough to follow them, even when I disagree with their decisions Senior leadership provides a clear direction for this institution’s future Senior leadership regularly models this institution’s values Our institution’s values guide decision-making throughout the institution not just in theory but also in our day-to-day action
Senior Leadership Survey Statement 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2015 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Positive %) 2013 MSU Denver Overall (Negative %) 37 Senior leadership shows a genuine interest in the well-being of faculty, administration and staff Senior leadership communicates openly about important matters I believe what I am told by senior leadership
1.Communicate a high level summary of the survey results to faculty, staff and appropriate leadership groups. 2.Ensure leaders across the university have the necessary training to provide day- to-day leadership…especially as related to coaching behaviors and creating a culture of appreciation and accountability. 3.Focus on quality communications…with an emphasis on interactive processes and “cross-functional” dialogue. 4.Create opportunities to reinforce confidence in the credibility and alignment of senior leadership…and to create greater alignment across all levels of leadership. 5.Address fairness concerns regarding compensation, performance management processes and consistency/equity. 6.Consider more specifically defining the MSU Denver’s “employee value proposition” (employment brand) to better capitalize on current strengths and differentiating qualities and to proactively manage employee expectations. Recommendations – 2013
The Value of Relationships “The world is becoming more technologically complex, interdependent, and culturally diverse, which makes the building of relationships more and more necessary to get things accomplished, and at the same time, more difficult. Relationships are the key to good communication; good communication is the key to successful task accomplishment...” Edgar Schein Humble Inquiry
Additional Resources Richard K. Boyer