United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Evaluation of Socioeconomic Data Collected from Population Censuses United Nations Statistics Division
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Outline -Core socio-economic characteristics as defined by the UN guidelines -Examples of data checking for the following data obtained from censuses -Population by household size -Population by marital status -Literacy rate -Unemployment rate
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Main groups of socio-economic characteristics from censuses -Household and family characteristics -Household and family composition -Demographic and social characteristics -Age -Sex -Marital status -Educational characteristics -Literacy -School attendance -Educational attainment -Economic characteristics -Activity status -Occupation -Industry -Status in employment Core topics from the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Rev. 2
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 What could be done to check data quality? -Check internal consistency of the data -Whether plausible, when tabulated or when cross tabulated with other characteristics -Compare with other sources (tabular form, indirect comparison) -Make sure that definitions used are consistent -Graph the derived indicators -Cohort analysis of certain indicators -Disaggregate by sex -Compare with other sources, direct comparison -Re-interview surveys, where people were re-interviewed and content of the census responses is verified
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – population by household size comparing with other sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – population by marital status (1) comparing multiple sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - population by marital status (2) Always check definitions Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – population by marital status (3) Comparing value of SMAM from different sources Singulate mean age at first marriage (SMAM): Proportion single in age group a
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – population by marital status (4) Comparing value of SMAM from different sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – literacy rates (1) comparing data from multiple sources Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook and Measure DHS country report Examples of data checking – literacy rates (2) comparing data from multiple sources
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking – literacy rates (3) comparing definitions 2000 Philippines census long form on literacy: P16. Can _____ read and write a simple message in any language or dialect? 2008 DHS:
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - literacy rate (4) cohort analysis Data source: graph produced based on data from United Nations Demographic Yearbook
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (1) Comparing definitions 2000 Turkey census questionnaire:
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (2) Comparing definitions Among the ones who are not employed, and who have been seeking a job and who have used at least one active method in seeking a job in the last three months and the persons who are 12 years of age and over in the reference period. Besides the ones who found a job or who established their business but waiting for starting the job are also considered as unemployed. Referring to the last 7 days Source: Turkey 2000 Census of Population Social and Economic Characteristics, State Institute of Statistics, Turkey
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Turkish labour force survey: Persons unemployed: the unemployed comprises all persons 15 years of age and over who were not employed during the reference period had used at least one channel for seeking a job during the last three months and were available to start work within two weeks. Persons who have already found a job and will start to work within 3 months, or established his/her own job but were waiting to complete necessary documents to start work were also considered to be unemployed. Unemployment rate: the ratio of unemployed persons to the labour force. Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (3) Comparing definitions Source: Turkey Labour force survey meta-data
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (4) Comparing definitions Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from Turkish Labour force survey data available online
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (5) sex distribution Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from the Turkish Labour force survey data available online
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (6) Comparing with Labour force data Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook and from Turkish Labour force survey data available online
United Nations Sub-Regional Workshop on Census Data Evaluation Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 2011 Examples of data checking - unemployment rate (7) by age and sex Source: Graph produced based on data from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook