CONGRAD Project Presentation TEMPUS Project: CONGRAD Conducting graduate surveys and improving alumni services for enhanced strategic management and quality improvement 30 March 2012 REGIONAL CONFERENCE QUALITY MATTERS: QUALITY ASSURANCE AT UNIVERSITIES IN THE REGION Predrag Lažetić Centre for Education Policy
Outline 1.Project introduction 2.Potentials of graduate surveys 3.CONGRAD Approach 4.Outlook: Results & reporting 2
1. Project introduction CONGRAD Key features Key features TEMPUS project 3 years ( ) 15 partner institutions 4 EU countries, 3 partner countries Objective to improve the institutional strategic management and self-evaluation capacities of higher education institutions in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina implementation of regular graduate surveys 3
1. Project introduction CONGRAD Consortium Partners 4 EU PartnersRegional Partners Bielefeld University, DE Charles University in Prague, CZ Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ES University of Jyväskylä, FI University of Belgrade University of Novi Sad University of Kragujevac Singidunum University, Belgrade Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences School of Higher Technical Professional Education, Niš Higher Business Technical School, Užice Centre for Education Policy, Belgrade University of Montenegro University of Banja Luka University of Tuzla RS ME BA
2. Potentials of graduate surveys 5 Benefits for higher education institution Research orientation Chart by INCHER-Kassel
3. CONGRAD Approach Initial graduate survey Background study conditions and labour market conditions change over time quality assurance as a key concern of HEI accreditation standards demand regular institutional self-evaluation based on systematically collected data BUT: no systematic and reliable information on study conditions and graduates’ careers HE reforms and curricular reforms BUT: no evidence-based evaluation of HE reforms and curricular changes Graduate survey results provide systematic and reliable information on study conditions and the transition from higher education to the labour market. Two cohorts: 2007 & 2012 (calendar year 2007 and calendar year 2012) Online survey 6
3. CONGRAD Approach What are the benefits for Universities? Process-based outcomes institutional infrastructure for graduate contact data collection institutional infrastructure for initial (and future) graduate survey(s) capacity building Graduate survey results for the first time: reliable information on the transition from higher education to labour market institutional quality assurance accreditation potential students: marketing and information current students: information and counselling alumni work 7
4. Outlook: Results and reporting Study conditions (retrospectively) resources, literature quality of teaching counseling/guidance internship regional/international mobility … Broader economic perspective labour market situation (objective) labour market perception (subjective) influence of nepotism, party state and shadow economy … Situation after graduation further studies time for job search regional/international mobility … Occupational situation competences (requirements) income branch/industry field of activity … characteristics of first vs. current job 8
9 Contact University, CONGRAD Project Coordinator for Education Policy, CONGRAD Analytical Unit Thank you for your attention!