Team AUDIO Rita Geller Masha Gorelik Liz KimMatt Mosteller Kelly Quinn Meagan Rose Assessing & Understanding Deaf Individuals’ Occupations
Team AUDIO Agenda Terminology Research Problem Present Status Methodology Team Dynamics
Team AUDIO Terminology Specialized university –National Technical Institute of the Deaf (NTID) –Gallaudet University Mainstream university –University of Maryland –Towson University Disability Support Services (DSS) Institutional Review Board (IRB) –Addendum
Team AUDIO Problem Employment & income of deaf individuals is lower than that of hearing individuals. Hearing employees quickly receive raises & promotions over the deaf and hard of hearing employees.
Team AUDIO Research Question What are the differences between the communication skills of deaf students at specialized and mainstream universities?
Team AUDIO Hypothesis Deaf students at specialized universities will have more refined communication skills compared to deaf students at mainstream universities.
Team AUDIO Progress Overview Training IRB approvals –University of Maryland –Towson University –Gallaudet University –NTID Establishing contacts
Team AUDIO Pilot Test –Gems 100 students –Upper-class Gemstone teams Rubrics Literature Review ThesisProgress
Team AUDIO Methodology Develop Survey Recruit Participants Online Survey Personal Interview Data Analysis ConclusionsOverview
Team AUDIO Recruiting Participants NTID –Flyers and mailings Gallaudet University –Alumni Association –Student sponsor: Dr. Matthew Bakke Towson University –DSS office: University of Maryland –DSS office:
Team AUDIO Online survey – –Likert scale questions –Written response questions –Demographics –Request for participants in personal interview –Approximately 30 minutes Data CollectionSurvey
Team AUDIO Online Survey SPSS computer software Written response rubric Data vs. Demographics
Team AUDIO Personal Interview –Conduct at participants’ universities –Mock job interview –Approximately 1 hour Methodology: Data Collection
Team AUDIO Analysis –Interview oral response rubric –Data vs. Demographics Methodology: Analysis
Team AUDIO Conclusions –Correlation not causation –Recommendations for both types of university –Publish findings in academic journals Methodology: Conclusion
Team AUDIO Team Dynamics Subgroups –Tasks –Schools Leader and support Early deadlines Contacts Interesting project