CfA Business Work Team Leading & Management SVQs and Modern Apprenticeships Sheila McCullough – CfA Scotland Consultant March 2011
2 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough CfA: An Introduction Standard Setting Organisation with 4 nation remit Took over responsibility for Management & Leadership from MSC in May 2010 Now responsible for M&L qualifications, Modern Apprenticeships and National Occupational Standards (NOS)
3 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough SVQ Changes Revised Management & Team Leading SVQs to be launched 1 st June 2011 Working with awarding bodies, training providers and employers to review qualification contents and structures –Consultation Events –Online Survey –Awarding Body forums –SCQF credit rating exercise
4 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Major SVQ Changes Optional and Mandatory units changed/swapped at some levels Updated management units/NOS to be used from June 2011 Updated imported (non-management) units/NOS to be used from June 2011 Optional units revised – some units added, some removed based on feedback and consultation SCQF Levels attached to units currently being reviewed (will be completed by June 2011)
5 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 2 SVQ Change - B5 (Provide leadership for your team) now optional Change - D5 (Allocate and check work in your team) now mandatory Units removed –D7 (Provide learning opportunities for colleagues) –D13 (Support individuals to develop and maintain their performance) Units Added –F6 (Monitor and solve customer service problems) –F8 (Work with others to improve customer service)
6 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 3 SVQ (i) Change - B5 (Provide leadership for your team ) replaces B6 (Provide leadership in your area of responsibility) as mandatory unit Units Removed –C2 (Encourage innovation in your area of responsibility) –D12 (Participate in meetings) –E15 (Procure supplies) –F15 (Carry out quality audits)
7 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 3 SVQ (ii) Units Added –B1 (Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility) –C1 (Encourage innovation in your team) –D10 (Reduce and manage conflict in your team) –E2 (Manage finance for your area of responsibility) –E8 (Manage physical resources) –F17 (Manage the delivery of customer service in your area of responsibility)
8 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 4 SVQ (i) Change – B6 (Provide leadership in your area of responsibility) now mandatory Change - C2 (Encourage innovation in your area of responsibility) now optional Change - E6 (Ensure health and safety requirements are met in your area of responsibility) now optional Additional optional unit now required (with one less mandatory unit required)
9 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 4 SVQ (ii) Units Removed –D8 (Help team members address problems affecting their performance) –D17 (Build and sustain collaborative relationships with other organisations) –F8 (Work with others to improve customer service) –F17 (Manage the delivery of customer service in your area of responsibility) Units Added –E3 (Obtain additional finance for the organisation), E15 (Procure supplies) –E17 (Outsource business processes) –F14 (Prepare for and participate in quality audits) –F15 (Carry out quality audits)
10 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 5 SVQ (i) Change – E7 (Ensure an effective organisational approach to health and safety) now optional Additional optional unit now required (with one less mandatory unit required) Unit Added –F15 (Carry out quality audits)
11 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Qualification by qualification changes: Level 5 SVQ (ii) Units Removed –A2 (Manage your own resources and professional development) –D7 (Provide learning opportunities for colleagues), D14 (Initiate and follow disciplinary procedure) –D15 (Initiate and follow grievance procedure) –D16 (Manage redundancies in your area of responsibility) –F4 (Develop and implement marketing plans for your area of responsibility) –F13 (Manage quality systems) –F17 (Manage the delivery of customer service in your area of responsibility) –F18 (Prepare sales proposals and deliver sales presentations) –F19 (Sell products/services to customers)
12 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship in Team Leading being developed for 1 st June 2011 New SVQ qualifications to be included from 1 st June 2011 Content of MA Frameworks currently being reviewed by the CfA for: –Core Skills –Enhancements
13 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships II New MA Frameworks to be used from June 2011 Likely changes in core skills in line with MAG requirements, as follows: –MA Level 2 = Core level 4 –MA Level 3 = Core level 5 –MA Level 4 = Core level 6 –MA Level 5 = Core level 6 Details to be provided as soon as new MAs approved by MAG
14 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough Core Skills Mapping: (draft) results TL2 Communication, Numeracy, Problem solving and Working with Others at SCQF 4 are all embedded in the SVQ. ICT at SCQF 4 must be separately certificated Mt 3 Communication, Problem solving and Working with Others at SCQF 5 are all embedded in the SVQ. Numeracy and ICT at SCQF 5 must be separately certificated Mt 4 Communication, Numeracy, Problem solving and Working with Others at SCQF 6 are all embedded in the SVQ. ICT at SCQF 6must be separately certificated Mt 5 Communication, Numeracy, Problem solving and Working with Others at SCQF 6 are all embedded in the SVQ. ICT at SCQF 6must be separately certificated
15 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough (Draft) Enhancements Team Leading (Level 2) - One of the following: –One core skill at SCQF 5 or 6 –One unit from an SVQ at Level 2 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role –One additional unit from the Team leading SVQ Level 2 or a Management SVQ at Level 3, 4 and 5.
16 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough (Draft) Enhancements Management (Level 3) - One of the following: –One core skill at SCQF 6 –One unit from an SVQ at Level 3 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role –One additional unit from a Management SVQ at Level 3, 4 and 5.
17 ©2010 CfA Sheila McCullough (Draft) Enhancements Management (Level 4 and 5) - One of the following: –One unit from an SVQ at Level 3 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role –One additional unit from a Management SVQ at Level 3, 4 and 5