IAOPA Regional Meeting Zürich 18 October
IAOPA Europe website progress Increasing number of users and subscribers (new server added) Stable news feeds Centralized distribution of E-newsletter Started online surveys
Website - News feeds IAOPA E-newsletter General Aviation Magazine Sporadic input from national AOPAs
IAOPA ENewsletter Central distribution started with July issue The contains a link to easily unsubscribe Much easier sign-up process Just enter your in the top right corner and click subscribe No need to create a full user account
TODO: ADD image of sign-up form
contributions Austria - approx. 40 Denmark Iceland - 25 Greece Spain Switzerland UK - approx 2.200
Current database status 4959 active subscribers 61 has unsubscribed (1,23 percent)
Recients in numbers
IAOPA Enewsletter- Your job: Provide updated lists or input address at for your new members Promote the IAOPA enewsletter in your country – ”now signing up easier than ever”
Cost of CAMOs – online survey
Goal of CAMO survey Use results to put pressure on the EU Commission to ease up on requirements Make significant price differences across Europe more transparent and help our members find cheaper solutions
TODO – insert screendump
Goal of fuel refund survey Make our members aware of significant fuel costs savings Use as leverage for countries not providing fuel tax refunds and therefore not complying with EU regulation EC/96/2003
Your job Promote the IAOPA newsletter in your country Supply address list or Encourage your members to sign up Supply data for the fuel refund survey Supply data for the CAMO survey
Thanks for your attention!